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WELCOME to the C3SEE06 Web Site!

[Local Site] [What's New]
  • The C3SEE06 is taking place on June 22 and 23.

  • The main theme of the conferrence is concerned with the declining enrollments in the universities, and possible solutions. The problem is very serious for all of us.

  • New travel info is in the "Hotels" section (see the button on the left margin).

  • New program is available.

About this C3SEE06 Conference
The Canadian Conference on Computer and Software Engineering Education (C3SEE) is an annual event dedicated to discussion of issues and challenges facing educators in Computer and Software Engineering.

This year's conference will take place at the Delta Sherbrooke Hôtel & Palace Des Congrès,, Sherbrooke, Québec, June 22 (Thursday) to 23 (Friday), 2006. The conference is hosted by the Génie électrique et génie informatique, Faculté de génie, Université de Sherbrooke, and chaired by Professor Ruben Gonzalez-Rubio.

The conference was originally introduced to discuss concerns related to the growth of Computer Engineering. Many universities now have accredited Computer Engineering (CTE) programs within Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) departments, and the pertinent educational issues relate to the expansion and improvements of this area. As it was at the beginning of the CTE programs, many new urgent issues have emerged with respect to the implementation of Software Engineering (SWE) programs and their relationship to the existing programs not only in the ECE departments, but also in Computer Science (CS) departments, as well as the recent developments in nanotechnology at the graduate and undergraduate levels.

We hope that this year's conference will also be a success.

[] Important Dates
Important dates are listed under Call for Papers.

[] Local Site
The local organizers have also developed a Web site for this conference in order to post any news and changes quickly. See the CONTACTS table below for its URL.

[] About this Site
The set of buttons on the left margin will take you to the appropriate topics. The site will expand when new material becomes available. A map of this site is available through the "Site's Map" button in the left button column.

eMail: Secretariat
Local C3SEE06 Site
Address: C3SEE06 Secretariat
Dept. Electr. & Comp. Eng.
Université de Sherbrooke
2500, boul. de l'Université
Sherbrooke, Québec J1K 2R1
Phone: (819) 821-8000 X 2931
Fax: (819) 821-7937

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