Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2004
IEEE Canada
18 Robinhood Drive
Dundas, ON L9H 4G1
Phone: (905) 628 - 9554
Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
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Technology Driving Innovation |
May 2-5, 2004
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Monday, May 3, 2004
18.30-21.00 Oakes Ballroom
The IEEE Canada Awards Banquet is held in conjunction with the Canadian
Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering and showcases some of
Canada's professional excellence and highlights Canadian talent
nationally. This prestigious event will take place on Monday May 3,
Additional tickets for the banquet can be ordered.
The IEEE is comprised of more than 375,000 members in 150 countries.
IEEE Canada has over 16,500 members in twenty Sections across the
The following awards will be presented:
- E.F. Glass Western Canada Council Merit
The E.F. Glass Western Canada Council Merit Award is
presented to recognize a member of the Western Canada Council, who
through his or her volunteer work and professional abilities, has made
an outstanding contribution to the activities of IEEE at the local
and Council levels.
- M.B. Broughton Central Canada Council Merit
The M.B. Broughton Central Canada Council who, through his
or her volunteer work and professional abilities, has made an
outstanding contribution to the activities of IEEE at the local and
Council levels.
- J.J. Archambault Eastern Canada Council Merit
The Eastern Canada Council Merit Award is presented to
recognize a member of the Eastern Canada Council who, through his or
her volunteer work and professional abilities, has made an
outstanding contribution to the activities of IEEE at the local and
Council levels.
- W.S. Read Outstanding Service
To recognize a member of the Region who, through his/her
service for the Region and to the Institute, has made an outstanding
contribution to the Electrical Engineering profession.
- Outstanding Engineering Educator
To recognize a member of the Region who has shared his/her
technical and professional abilities through teaching (industry, government or
in an institution of higher learning) and in doing so has made an outstanding
contribution to the electro-technology profession.
- Outstanding Engineer Award
recognize a member of the Region who, through his/her technical and
professional abilities, has made an outstanding contribution to the
Electrical Engineering profession.
- R.A. Fessenden Medal
outstanding contribution to the field of telecommunications technology.
- A.G.L. McNaughton Medal
IEEE Canada
remembers, through the A.G.L. McNaughton Medal, General McNaughton's
contributions to the engineering profession in Canada. Recipients of the
McNaughton Medal are outstanding Canadian engineers recognized for their
important contributions to the engineering profession.
IEEE Canada seeks to achieve the following objectives
- to recognize professional excellence and advance the standing of our members
- to represent our profession to governments and the public
- to express Canadian engineering viewpoints and highlight Canadian talent both nationally and internationally.
Sponsored by IEEE Canada and the Sections of Central
Canada Council
This page last updated: April 11, 2004 by the