Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2004
IEEE Canada
18 Robinhood Drive
Dundas, ON L9H 4G1
Phone: (905) 628 - 9554
Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
Quick Links
Monday Sessions
Tuesday Sessions
Wednesday Sessions
Technology Driving Innovation |
May 2-5, 2004
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Important Messages for All Students
Your participation in the conference is both critical to its success and
a unique development opportunity for you as future engineers. Please
check this site regularly for student activity updates.
All Students - Student Paper Competion
To be eligible for the Student Paper Competition, the first author of a
paper must be a student. The submitted paper summary must be clearly
marked "Student Paper Competition". A formal letter stating the
participation in the Student Paper Competition with proof of student
status must be included with the final paper submission. The competition
results will be based on reviews of the full paper. Extended versions of
the winning student papers will be published in the Canadian Journal of
Electrical and Computer Engineering subject to the final editorial
acceptance by the Journal - full details
Student Awards Luncheon
We are honoured to have Terry Peach, Human Resource Planning manager of
GE Canada speak at our Student Awards Luncheon on tuesday. This important
conference event is a great opportunity for all attendees to acknowledge
the efforts of the student participants. The winning authors of the
CCECE04 Student Paper competition will be announced and awarded
certificates of recognition.
Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair
CCECE04 is pleased to recognize and present several of this year's award
winning projects from the Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair. The
BASEF serves all students in grades 7 to 12 in the City of Hamilton, the
Region of Halton, Haldimand County, Norfolk County and Brant County.
BASEF is in its 44th consecutive year of operation. Come and meet some
of these award winning students and view their projects on Tuesday May
4th, in the conference exhibit area, between 1pm and 5pm.
For more details about the BASEF go to their web site.
Canadian IEEE Student Members
Did you know you might be eligible for funding towards your conference
registration fees and/or a portion of your conference travel expenses?
Find out more about Section and other IEEE Canada Entity student member funding initiatives.
CCC Student Volunteers
To date we have student volunteers from Ryerson University, McMaster
University and Niagara College, participating in various conference
planning and co-ordinating activities. If you are a Central Canada
Council IEEE student member, and would like to find out how you can help
please contact Janet Bradley, Student Activities Chair, at
Costs relating to this competition and the luncheon are included in
the registration fee.
Sponsored by IEEE Canada and the Sections of Central
Canada Council
This page last updated: April 14, 2004 by the