Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2004
IEEE Canada
18 Robinhood Drive
Dundas, ON L9H 4G1
Phone: (905) 628 - 9554
Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
Quick Links
Monday Sessions
Tuesday Sessions
Wednesday Sessions
Technology Driving Innovation |
May 2-5, 2004
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Breakfast 07:00-08:15 Oakes Ballroom - sponsored by Ryerson University
Opening Plenary Session 08.15-09.15 Oakes Ballroom
Opening Remarks 08.15-08.30
- Bob Hanna, Conference Chair
- Bill Kennedy, IEEE Canada President
- Kostas Plataniotis, Technical Program Committee Chair
Presentation 08.30-09.15
- speaker - Dr. Tom Brzustowski, President, Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada -
biography - Presentation:
"Science and Engineering Research in the next 25 years - some general
Luncheon 12.30-14.00 Oakes Ballroom - sponsored by Cisco Systems
- speaker - Jeff Seifert, Cisco Systems Distinguished Engineer -
- Presentation: "Packet Voice Technology"
Awards Banquet 18.30-22.00 Oakes Ballroom - sponsored by IEEE Canada
- speaker - Dr. Ray Findlay, 2002 IEEE President - biography - will discuss the IEEE
Milestone Program and the background to the Sunday dedication ceremony at
Decew Falls - more about Awards Banquet program
Technical Sessions
Morning: 09:30-12:20
Afternoon: 14:10-17:30
Monday (version 4) schedule by paper number [1 page PDF File]
papers are identified in the above schedule by the last four digits of the paper number.
Monday (version 2) program with titles, authors & session chairs [20 page PDF File]
Conference Highlight
- Special Session on "Optical Wireless Access Networks"
Session MA10, Time: 14:10 – 17:30, Room: Auditorium
Links to: tuesday and
wednesday technical programs.
Hotel Floor Plans:
main floor
second floor
third floor
Please note that times and locations in this draft schedule are subject
to change and that authors should keep checking this web site for
additional information. If there are errors or omissions in the paper numbers, authors
are encouraged to contact the technical program committee immediately.
Sponsored by IEEE Canada and the Sections of Central
Canada Council
This page last updated: April 18, 2004 by the