Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2004
IEEE Canada
18 Robinhood Drive
Dundas, ON L9H 4G1
Phone: (905) 628 - 9554
Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
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Technology Driving Innovation |
May 2-5, 2004
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada

Sunday, May 2, 2004
Workshops and Registration
Workshop B - Project Management for Telecommunications Managers
Do you ever wonder what makes a project successful, or what else you can
do to achieve better results on your projects? Numerous problems cause
many projects either to fail, or to create considerable difficulty for
the project team. There are techniques that can be implemented which
have been shown to make projects more successful and to make life easier
for the project manager and the team. This short seminar provides broad
coverage of project management methods, supplemented by real project
examples from the telecommunications environment. The processes covered
apply in all areas, not just telecommunications. Each process area
described in the Project Management Institute's "Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge" will be covered briefly, including Project
Integration, Scope Management, Cost Management, Time Management, Risk
Management, Procurement Management, Quality Management, Communications
Management, Human Resources. Techniques addressing a few of the critical
areas will be covered in more detail. All techniques covered can be
applied to engineering projects large or small, no matter how simple or
Presenter - Celia Desmond
Celia Desmond is President of World Class – Telecommunications, which
provides training in management skills in business and
telecommunications engineering environments. She was instrumental in
creating a Masters Program and a Certificate Program at University of
Toronto. She has lectured internationally on Programs for Success in
Today’s Changing Environment. At Stentor Resource Centre Inc. she was
instrumental in establishing the Stentor culture and processes, and in
obtaining buy-in from the employees to adopt and grow the new
organization. She developed and implemented processes for
service/product development and for project governance within SRCI. As
Director - Industry Liaison, she was the external technical linkage to
the Stentor owner companies, their customers, and the international
technical community In various positions at Bell Canada, Celia provided
strategic direction to corporate planners, ran technology and service
trials, standardized equipment, and issued guidelines for the member
companies. In Celia's previous line positions, her groups provided
technical and project management support to large business clients. She
is author of Project Management for Telecommunications Managers,
published by Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Celia was 2002-2003 President of IEEE Communications Society. In
2000-2001 Celia was President of IEEE Canada, and she served her second
term on the Board of Directors of IEEE. She was 1997-1998 Division III
Director. She has twice served in the IEEE Audit Committee, and actively
participated in numerous other TAB, RAB, IEEE and Society committees.
Celia was awarded the Donald J. McLellan Award for meritorious service
to IEEE Communications Society, the Engineering Institute of Canada John
B. Sterling Medal in May 2000, and the IEEE Millennium award. In 1993,
she was made a Senior Member of IEEE.
Celia holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Carleton
University, a B.Sc. in Mathematics & Psychology from Queens University,
an Ontario Teaching Certificate and a Project Management Professional
(PMP) certification. Celia has taught kindergarten, high school, and
graduate courses at three universities, Ryerson School of Business,
Stevens Institute of Technology, and University of Toronto.
If you have any questions, please contact
Bruno Di Stefano, workshops coordinator, at this
Sponsored by IEEE Canada and the Sections of Central
Canada Council
This page last updated: April 7, 2004 by the