IEEE CAS Region 9

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Chapter Chairs Information

Chapter activities are fundamental to keep the society alive, and members motivated. The following is a quick guide for chapter chairs summarizing the resources they have at hand to use. A thorough guide of resources available to chapter chairs is at 

You can also check the information at

Annual Fund

Every chapter has an annual budget of 500 USD. In order to request these funds, the chapter chair has to approach the regional VP with a list of activities and an estimated budget. 

Chapter Rebate

If your chapter is active, your chapter is entitled to 200 USD. Your chapter is active if it organizes a certain number of activities a year; see the website for more details. In addition, all Chapters or Affinity Groups reporting 6 or more meetings of a technical, professional or educational nature shall receive an additional 75 USD. 

Reporting: It is fundamental that chapters report their activities electronically through the L31 form every time they do an event.
Fund for Special Events

The chapter can ask up to 1000 USD for special events. 

Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)

The DLP program provides support to have one distinguished lecturer of the CAS Society to your city. The request has to be done through the DLP program chair. For more information see: Distinguished Lecturer Program

Information about members
The samieee is a database that collects all the information about members, including their affiliation, membership, societies, contact information, etc. This information can be quite useful if you are setting up a chapter or need to contact a particular set of members. 


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Last modified: diciembre 30, 2007