Awards and Honors
Following are some of the remarkable IEEE awards won by IIEE-IEEE Student Branch and its IEEE Student Members.
- FAST NU , one of the leading institutes of Pakistan for offering BS degree programs for the category of Software and IT development and solutions, held a three day All Pakistan Hardware & Software competition under the label of PROCOM 03'. The competition was divided into several different catgories to accomodate the various factors of engineering involved. Students and intellects from all over the country took part in this technology extravaganza to exhibit their projects and show their expertise in their respective fields. Two projects from IIEE, namely the ISPIC ( a custom made PLC ) and Intelligent Eye ( a project based on Image Processing ) were presented by the Students. The Intelligent Eye, was chosen to be the 2nd prize winner in the category of best software. The Project was designed by Minhaj Rashid, Hassan and Hammad of the 11th batch.
- Although we're not categorically defined as students studying computer or IT related courses, still we have some of the students always coming up forward to take the task of Website Management and deliver it with such profound expertise that it makes it hard to believe we are actually majoring in Electronics rather than some Web Development course. However, that was all said in praise for the IEEE-IIEE Web Development Team that once again clinched the 3rd prize for IEEE Region 10 Website competition. Way to go folks!
- IIEE students selected as participants in Myron Zucker Travel Program 2001 of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS).
- IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website being ranked 4th in R10 for 2001.
- IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website being ranked 3rd in R10 for 2000.
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website being ranked 3rd in R10 for 2000
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Official Website secured Third (3rd) position in the IEEE Website Competition 2000 for the IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific and Oceania Region). This was for the ever first time that the official website of any student branch from IEEE Karachi Section had won any award of such international level. For this honor, IIEE-IEEE Student Branch also received a cash award of US$50 from IEEE. You can visit this website of IIEE-IEEE Student Branch at www.members.tripod.com/iiee_web_site/index.htmThe Web Team, responsible for the development of this website, comprised of Syed Rizwan, Zulfiqar Ali Syed and Sheraz Khan.
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website being ranked 4th in R10 for 2001
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Official Website secured Fourth (4th) position in the IEEE Website Competition 2001 for the IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region). This was for the second consecutive time that the IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website had been ranked as one of the best five IEEE Student Branch websites in the Asia Pacific Region. In the year 2000, IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website won Third (3rd) prize in the IEEE Website Competition 2000 for the IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific Region). You can visit IIEE-IEEE Student Branch Website at ewh.ieee.org/sb/iiee.The IIEE Web Development team, responsible for the development of this website, comprises of Adnan Gul Baloch, Ismail Sultan, Khalil Sultan, and Zuhaib Hayat.
IIEE students selected as recipients in Myron Zucker Travel Program 2001
Two students of IIEE-IEEE Student Branch, Mr. Ismail Sultan and Mr. Khalil Sultan were selected as recipients in Myron Zucker Travel Program 2001 of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS). They were invited to attend the 36th Annual Meeting of IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS), which was to be held in Chicago, Illinois, USA from September 30 to October 4, 2001. Being recipients of 2001 Myron Zucker Travel Program, they were to receive partial travel expense reimbursement (up to US $600) and free accommodation at the conference hotel during the conference. In addition to this, their conference registration expenses were to be prepaid by the conference.
It will also be noteworthy to mention here that only twelve (12) students, including two from IIEE-IEEE Student Branch, were selected from all over the globe for this highly competitive program.