Dr. Shahfay Shamail was received at the The University of Faisalabad by Lt. Col. Sadiq ur Rehman (HOD of Electrical Department and Branch counselor Engr. Irfan Abid. Meanwhile students of Electrical Engineering department and faculty members seated at the auditorium. After some time Dr. Shahfay Shamail and guests from NFC-IEFR (Student branch) were received at auditorium for inauguration of IEEE branch at The University of Faisalabad physically and program was officially started.
Naat & Talawat
After the seating of Dr. Shahfay Shamail and other guests function was started. Muhammad Tahir Ghafar from BEE-7 recited some verses from Holy Quran in glorious voice. After the recitation from Holy Book, Waqar Ahmad narrated Naat-e-Rasool-e-Maqbool in such a glorious voice that every one praised him a lot.
Speeches and adress
After the recitation of Holy Quran and Naat shareef in glorious voices, IEEE-TUF branch counselor (Engr. Irfan Abid) gave the welcome speech to all the guests and then he delivered few words about IEEE organization (Regions, branches strength and students’ strength etc.) also he advised students to be active and use this platform more efficiently.
Afterwards IEEE-TUF branch chairperson (Ubaid Umar) gave introduction of newly built branch. In his speech he disclosed the numbers of IEEE-TUF, which has 56 student members & 7 professional members. It is the great honour for the newly built branch to have such a big number of students. He thanked HOD and counselor for their great support. He also thanked all the members of committees, who helped him a lot to arrange this function. Committees represented some beautiful branch name visuals to the guests.
University Introduction
Afterwards Head of Department of Electrical Engineering gave introduction of The University of Faisalabad and passed batches to the guests. Then he explained some glorious achievements from students of The University of Faisalabad. He also thanks Dr. Shahfay Shamail for their presence. He also discussed the electrical department and all the available labs for department. He praised the efforts of the student member of IEEE-TUF, who arranged the function so precisely and voluntarily.
Finally Dr. Shahfay Shamail (Vice chair Lahore Section) officially inaugurated the IEEE branch at The University of Faisalabad named IEEE-TUF assigned branch code 04061 from IEEE. Afterwards he addressed with the students, in which he told a short history of IEEE, its founders and he advised the members to be active, be professional and utilize this platform more effectively. He also told some advantages of this platform and importance of this platform.
Web portal launch
After the successful inauguration of IEEE student branch at TUF adviser of The University of Faisalabad Prof. Dr. Abdul Majeed launched the official web portal of IEEE-TUF student branch and praised the students for web designed in no time and then he addressed the students and heartedly thanked Dr. Shahfay Shamail for his presence.
Labs Visit
After the successful ending of inauguration ceremony Dr. Shahfay Shamail and other guests from NFC-IEFR visited the Labs of Electrical Engineering Department. Guests praised the Labs arrangement and specialy they licked the student projects lab also desired for the some projects to be implemented in the industry.
After all these activities guests were served with delicious food along with faculty of The University of Faisalabad.
Ubaid Um Chairperson +92300-7293919
Hassan Javed Vice Chairperson +92344-7441297
M. Talha Secretary +92344-7725477
Sinan Ateeq Treasurer +92345-7938951
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