IEEESB UPM is under Dr Nizar Hamidon as the student counselor. Executive Committee of IEEESB UPM is currently led by Mohammad Syafiq Abdul Rahman, third year Electrical and Electronic Engineering student. Syafiq is helped by a magnificent group of thinkers and soon-to-be engineers who is capable in various fields in engineering. To view the full organization chart, click here.

Currently, our committee lead by one president (Syafiq) and 1 vice presidents (Iqbal). We also has a secretary (Chong) who is responsible handling secrets and of course anything that got to do letters and minutes of meeting. As a treasurer, he/she is responsible not just to handle with care the precious money, but also to manage the flows of the money, verify the exact amount and dealing with money claims by the committee itself..

There are 5 units that existed in our committee.

Currently, there are 48 registered IEEE student members in UPM (source: IEEE Database). To view the list, click here.




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