The IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society. We connecting more than 300,000 members and nearly 70,000 students to the latest information about the wonderful world of engineering and the best technical resources available. The IEEE vision is to advance global prosperity by fostering technological innovation, enabling member's careers, and promoting community worldwide. Members of the IEEE lead the world to new technical developments, formulate internationally recognized standards, and impact the global community
First of all,this organization is registered under University Putra Malaysia in 2002.In this site, you can access our latest information about engineering and related sciences. Also make sure you mark our upcoming events that are recognize to tune up your motivation in society, academic, job seeking, and collecting an infinity information about engineering from various of professional peoples that are influence in engineering and allied sciences world. For more information of our branch, click here
© 2008 IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia