IEESB UPM Membership Drive and Career Talk
On 25th June 2004, Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering University Putra Malaysia cooperate with Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineering Student Branch University Putra Malaysia Membership Drive and Career Talk. This program was launch at Bilik Seminar of Engineering Faculty UPM at 3:00pm to 5:00pm.Title of the career talk is “Future Engineer” presented by speaker Ir. Ghori Mohamed B. Abd Majeed Mustafa. This program was attended by all students Bachelor of Electric and Electronic Engineering UPM. The main objective of this program is to get a new members of IEEESB UPM beside to make a gathering among all members, once of semester. Besides that,this program was held to give a new knowledge for the members about job of engineer and its challenge especially for Electrical Engineers on future. This objective program also to give opportunity to members make interaction with professional people such as with speaker to make them more confident in communicate. Based on that program, the number of the new members IEEESB UPM was increased with participation by first year Electrical Engineer students. By increasing the number, the organization of IEEESB UPM can be more systematic and have a progress in the entire program. Besides that, IEEESB UPM was known among engineering students. The feedback by the talk on future engineer, student especially final year student now get the description about engineer job in real situation. As a conclusion, this program had done by successfully and achieves the main objective. Prepared by Shazwani Bt Salehhuddin
© 2005 IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia