Please fill in the fields below and press the "Submit Registration" button. Required fields are in red.
1. Contact Details
Your name and institution will appear on your conference badge as below.
2. Member Status
(This field is required)
3. Registration Options
Registration fee includes conference pack, proceedings, lunch and coffee breaks.
4. Conference Paper
Will you be submitting a paper for the conference? (This field is required)
5. Accommodation
Which accommodation option do you require? (This field is required)
(The prices above are for bed and breakfast.)
6. Special Requirements
Please give details of any special dietary requirements: (e.g. food allergies, vegetarian, etc.):
Please give details of any other special requirements: (e.g. hearing impaired, wheelchair access, etc.):
To submit your registration press here:
7. Payment
Payment can be made by cheque or bank transfer:
If you are paying by cheque, please send a cheque payable to "Dr C James" for the total amount in British Pounds Sterling together with a copy of this form, to:
Professor C J James Room A428School of EngineeringLibrary Road University of Reading CoventryCV4 7AL
If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please make the transfer to the following account, with your last name as the transfer reference:
Bank name: Barclays Account name: Dr C James Sort code: 20-98-61 Account number: 10796212
Registration and accommodation payments must be received by the registration deadline for the rate at which you registered; if payment is not received by the deadline, you will be responsible for the higher rate.
8. Confirmation
You will receive a confirmation of your registration via e-mail. Please print this e-mail and take the printout with you to the conference as a proof of registration.