![IVEC 2008](images/header.jpg) |
![ivec 2008 abstract submittal](images/headers/abstractsubmittal.jpg)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to Friday, January 11, 2008.
Prospective authors are invited to submit one copy of an extended summary of the work to be reported including as many details as possible. The inclusion of figures, tables and especially numerical data is strongly recommended. The top of the first page should include the name, affiliation, city and state of each author, plus the mailing address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail of the corresponding author. Abstracts may be up to 2 pages in length, and in 8.5 x 11 inch paper format (area of text and figures on each page should not exceed 16.5 x 22.85 cm). Please use 14 point bold Times New Roman font for the title and 11 or 12 point Times New Roman font for all other text.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically in either Adobe Acrobat (.pdf format) or Microsoft Word (.doc format) by January 11, 2008 to:
If unable to send abstract electronically, please send one copy of all material to:
Mr. Ralph Nadell
Palisades Convention Management
411 Lafayette Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10003
Phone: +1 212-460-8090 x 203
Fax: +1 212-460-5460
Abstracts will be published in Conference Proceedings which will be distributed at the meeting. To insure high quality publication, please follow the format guidelines given above. Authors of accepted papers will be REQUIRED to resubmit their material no later than March 3, 2008 as an IEEE Xplore compliant pdf. Details will be supplied with the acceptance notices. |
![ivec 2008 abstract submission](images/buttons/abstract2.jpg)