Relaxing after a tour of the Hawaii
Convention Center in Honolulu are (from left) Marti and Barry
Wallen with Dave and Janet O'Neil. The 2007 IEEE International
Symposium on EMC will be held in Honolulu. |
I am pleased whenever I learn that folks are
actually reading the Newsletter. I never take this for granted,
as I know we live in an age of "information overload"
and just reading all the e-mails we receive can be a daily challenge!
Every once in a while I get a letter, e-mail or phone call with
comments from readers. It's always good to hear from our readers,
so do contact your Editor or any of the Associate Editors should
something stand out in the Newsletter.
An example of a reader "success story" occurred with
our last issue. One reader saw the letter from Clayton Paul in
the Winter 2003 issue wherein Clayton was requesting a donation
of any used, good quality test equipment for his EMC lab at Mercer
University. Next thing I knew, I got a call from Dr. Paul stating
that he received a donation of a gently used HP 8568B spectrum
analyzer! Guess his writing that letter was worth the time and
Let's keep the dialogue going! Let us hear from you about the
In the meantime, enjoy this issue. Chapter Chatter continues with
news of exciting chapter activities. The Practical Papers continue
to be informative and newsworthy. If you missed EMC Zurich this
year, you can read about it by clicking
here. Check out the Standards Activities article by clicking
here for up to date information on the new ANSI Standard C63.4-2003.
The EMC Society has a new Vice-President for Technical Services
in John Norgard. He is profiled in this issue's "Personality
Profile." Click here for an
interesting read on this most interesting person. The EMC Society
Board of Directors held their spring meeting in Honolulu, site
of the 50th Anniversary 2007 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.
Members of the Board toured the convention center and potential
host hotels were identified. You can read more about the Board's
activities clicking here. If you haven't
read EMCABS in awhile, click here. There
are some intriguing papers summarized in this article from authors
around the globe. No doubt about it, EMC is of interest to many
people globally.
Hope you enjoy this issue!