
Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers
Central Texas Section
Power and Energy Society
San Antonio Chapter
As a service to
our members, the San Antonio Chapter of the Power Engineering
Society offers to post job announcements for employers
in the central Texas area. We will post your announcements
for vacant power engineer job openings on this Webpage
for six months. Send your announcement to
John A. Brogan, Chapter President,
210-353-3375 or jabrogan@ieee.org for
his review and forwarding to our Webmaster for posting. |
Experienced Engineers
Current Engineering Students
Students. The IEEE Power Engineering Society is providing a new online service for students interested in power careers, and for their future employers. PES-Careers (https://www.pes-careers.org/) is customized for power engineering students to help them find jobs and internships. Employers will find that the service both promotes and enhances their own online career services. PES-Careers is easy to use, flexible, efficient, targeted, and, at no cost to the user, a real value.
[Permanent posting] |
Copyright 2005 through 2008, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Inc |