Paper Presentations
IEEE CBS will be a singel-track conference including poster presentations to maximize interaction between attendees.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be a strict 10 minutes talk + 3 minutes for Q&A (13 minutes in total).
For the presentations we will provide a computer with Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
(please provide your slides as .pptx or .pdf shortly before your session)
All Papers not scheduled for an interactive presentations are oral presentations.
We will update our webpage with the exact timeslots for each paper shortly.
Interactive Presentations
Interactive presentations will be held during the coffee- and lunch-breaks on both days of the conference.
Please print your poster on A0 size defined by the ISO 216 standard. Make sure that your poster is oriented in a “portrait” format.
Following papers are sheduled for an interactive presentation:
3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 19, 24, 25, 29, 40, 60, 67, 70, 71, 82, 84, 85, 86
CBS 2019
The main purpose of this conference is to discuss frontier research and realistic applications on cyborg- and bionic systems, which are concerned with hybrid fusion techniques for organic and biomechatronic body parts. Of central interest is the integration of artifacts and technologies like biomorphic actuators and sensors into an effective biocybernetic system. CBS 2019 is sponsored by the IEEE-RAS TC on Cyborgs and Bionic Systems. One of the primary goal is to make an organism restored or enhanced beyond its original biological characteristics. With the rapid development of bionic technologies, biomorphic chips and nanotechnology, we think that cyborgs and bionic systems can assist humans to conquer many limitations such as disease, disabilities, speed, strength, dexterity as well as intelligence. In addition, understanding neural principles, spiking circuits as well as brains and modeling of the functionality of artificial brains linked to sensors, actuators and robots and to organic natural bodies are further topic of interest. Biomorphic chips, spiking neural computation and its underlying learning methodologies form the basic IT-substrate for cyborgs. Ethics and human centered AI approaches are to be discussed
Topics of intrest
Micro/nano biomorphic robotics
Building brains for robots and cognitive skills
Bio-cell assembly and tissue fabrication
Micro bio sensor and actuator fabrication
Prosthesis and exoskeleton robotics
Biomorphic computation and chips
Neuromorphic controls and communication
Advanced materials neuromorphic sensors
Rehabilitation robotics
Cyborg intelligence
Generative learning
Cyber-physical bio-system
Biomimetic robotics
Perception and Cognition
Translation and mapping of biologic brain principles to cyborg control structures
Wearable robotics
Medical surgical robotics
Regenerative medicine
Neural-machine interfaces
Adaptive controls
Artificial brains
Biosignal processing
Instructions for Submitting your Manuscript
All papers must be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format via PaperPlaza.
Manuscripts must follow the manuscript preparation guidelines.
The templates of LaTeX and MS Word can be found through the links.
The length of manuscripts should be 6 pages long.
A maximum of 2 additional pages (max total 8 pages) is permitted at an extra charge of 175€ per page.
The file size is limited to 6MB.
Prior to the submission, the PDF file should be checked for PDF Xpress compliance.
Review Process and Publication
All the papers submitted through Paper Plaza will be peer reviewed.
Every accepted and presented paper will be published in IEEE Xplore.