Accessible website

The ICORR 2011 website has received accessibility certification by the Swiss Foundation Access for All:

Conformance Claim Accessibility WCAG 2.0

  1. Website:
  2. Conformance level satisfied: AA
  3. Date of the claim: 20.4.2011
  4. Web content technologies relied upon: (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  5. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at
  6. Test Organisation: Foundation «Access for all»:

The ICORR 2011 website is built on the Beez template for Joomla, which was designed with a special focus on web accessibility. The implemented accessibility features of this website include:

  • scalable font sizing
  • images are provided with alternative text in either alt or title form
  • tables are avoided
  • color elements provide high contrast between text and background
  • all elements can also be reached by keyboard commands only

For questions or comments regarding the accessibility of the website please contact Serge Pfeifer.

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!!! This document is stored in the ETH Web archive and is no longer maintained !!!