Banquet Speech by Prof. Karl Johan Åström

Title: Control and Automation Systems

Prof. Karl Johan Åström

Prof. Karl Johan Åström










Karl Johan Åström was educated at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. After working for IBM Research for five years he was in 1965 appointed Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology/Lund University, where he established a new department. He is now senior professor at Lund University. Åström, who has broad interests in control, is a Fellow of IFAC and a life Fellow IEEE. He has Erdös number 3 and has received many honors among them, the 1985 ASME Rufus Oldenburger Medal, the 1987 Quazza Medal from the IFAC, the 1990 IEEE Control Systems Award, the 1993 IEEE Medal of Honor and six honorary doctorates. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and a foreign member of Russian Academy of Sciences, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the US National Academy of Engineering.