Next generation manufacturing systems are all about being smart suggesting that they can self-organize to produce highly customizable products more quickly and cheaply without sacrificing resource-efficiency, safety, or environmental sustainability. In the pursuit of high performance smart manufacturing systems (SMS), industries are focusing on islands of new technologies during design, engineering, commissioning and operational phases. The grand challenge is to apply a systems approach to unite the different technologies to work in harmony while improving overall system performance. Techniques for evaluating and assuring system performance in this context must also evolve with new metrics, models and methods. The objectives of this session are twofold. One is to bring together a diversified group of people working in the area of manufacturing performance assurance to present work relevant to the grand challenge. This can include specific industrial challenges to assuring performance brought on by the introduction of smart manufacturing. The second objective is to have stakeholders present cutting edge tools, solutions and practices for SMS performance assessment and the use of performance measures to identify improvement factors.
Topics relevant to the special session:
- Metrics and methods for Performance assurance
- High performance SMS design
- Model based engineering and virtual commissioning
- Performance monitoring using advanced sensing and computing platform
- Control and planning for operational performance optimization
- Performance monitoring and continuous performance improvement
- SMS performance assurance standards needs
- Industry scenarios demanding smart performance assurance