Every day huge amount of data are stored in healthcare systems’ databases. Availability of such data creates an invaluable opportunity to gain useful information in different areas of healthcare, such as exploring patients’ behavior in the hospitals and clinics, identifying actual processes in the healthcare enterprises, and evaluating healthcare delivery system’s performance. In addition, by applying data mining methods future states of the systems (and/or patients) can be predicted and accordingly many system functions can be automated. This special session aims at promoting the application of data mining, process mining, and big data analytics methods in mining healthcare data and improving the automation process of healthcare information and decision support systems. While the followings are some areas of interest for this special session, the authors are generally welcome to submit their papers in any area as long as it is related to data and process mining in healthcare systems.
- Predictive modeling in healthcare
- Big data analytics/foundational models for Big Data in healthcare
- Machine Learning techniques and knowledge discovery in healthcare
- Healthcare information systems
- Stochastic modelling (Markov models, probabilistic automata, etc.) of healthcare processes
- Process Mining methods in healthcare