Instructions for Session Chairs and Speakers

For session chairs:

  1. Arrive at the room for the session 10 minutes before the session begins and ensure all speakers appear in the session.

  2. A laptop will be available in each meeting room. All presentations should be copied to the laptop before the session starts. If a personal laptop needs to be used for any reason, please test it before the session starts.

  3. Introduce the speakers during the session; the two session chairs can decide on the format/order in which they will make these introductions.

  4. Keep the presentations on the posted time-schedule. Since many of the attendees like to attend paper presentations from several parallel sessions, it is important that each paper is presented during its allocated time slot (20 minutes total, including questions and answers and transitions). Do not change the sequence of the presentations within the session unless it is absolutely necessary.

  5. Coordinate questions and answers after each presentation and ensure smooth transitions between presentations.

  6. If there is any no-show, record on the sheet provided by the session volunteer and submit the sheet after the session is completed.


For speakers:

  1. Arrive at the room for the session 10 minutes before the session begins and report to the session chair/co-chair. If a speaker has multiple presentations during the same session time, he/she should inform the chairs in advance.

  2. A laptop will be available in each meeting room. Copy your presentation to the laptop before the session starts. If you need to present your paper with your own laptop (because of a live demo etc.), please inform the session chairs and test your laptop before the session starts.

  3. Each presentation is allocated for 20 minutes, including questions/answers and transitions. Thus, it is expected that each presentation itself is finished within about 15 minutes.