Conference Day (6 April)
The 5th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics deals with the theme of “Soft Robots for the Planet”.
New science, new technologies and new opportunities for the design, development and application of “green” soft robots.
If you are a virtual participant, click on the link to join the event.
Wednesday Apr, 6
8:00am – 9:00am
Reception (McEwan Hall)
Plenary Talk – Barbara Webb
Adam Stokes (Chair)
One motivation for investigating alternative approaches to robot actuation, such as soft mechanisms, is the observation that many biological systems acheive task success as much through their body design as through their brains. We have investigated a range of insect behaviours from this point of view, from simple steering through to complex navigation. This talk will reflect on some of the general insights gained, particularly into the need to combine multiple methodological approaches to understand biological function.
Oral Session – Modeling and simulation
Christian Duriez (Chair) Federico Renda (Co-chair)
Soft Passive Swimmer Optimization: From Simulation to Reality Using Data-Driven Transformation
Obayashi, Nana; Bosio, Carlo; Hughes, Josie
Calibration method for soft robots modeled with FEM: application to anisotropy
Vanneste, Félix; Goury, Olivier; Duriez, Christian
Planning of Soft-Rigid Hybrid Arms in contact with compliant environment: Application to the Transrectal Biopsy of the Prostate
Coevoet, Eulalie; ADAGOLODJO, Yinoussa; Lin, Meichun; Duriez, Christian; Ficuciello, Fanny
Internally Actuated Triangular Lattice and its Variants for Modular Active Cell Robots (MACROs)
Singh, Gaurav; Dollar, Aaron
Interactive Poster Session – Modeling and simulation
Poster List
Automated Synthesis of Pneumatic Soft Actuators
Smith, Lawrence; Hainsworth, Travis; MacCurdy, Robert; Haimes, Jacob
Design, Characterization, and Dynamic Modeling of BEAST: a Bistable Elastomeric Actuator for Swift Task
Tao, Weijia; Qiao, Zhi; Zhang, Wenlong
Dynamic Modeling of Soft Material Actuators Combining Constant Curvature Kinematics and Floating-Base Approach
Mehl, Phillip Maximilian; Bartholdt, Max; Schappler, Moritz
Energy-based shape regulation of soft robots with unactuated dynamics dominated by elasticity
Borja, Pablo; Dabiri, Azita; Della Santina, Cosimo
Hydrogel-based soft pneumatic bending actuator with self-healing and proprioception capabilities
López-Díaz, Antonio; Braic, Andrei; Ramos, Francisco; Payo, Ismael; Vázquez Fernández-Pacheco, Ester; Vazquez, Andres S.
Kinematic Analysis of Soft Continuum Manipulators Based on Sparse Workspace Mapping
LI, Jing; Chen, Xiaojiao; Su, Yinyin; Wang, Wenping; Lam, James; Wang, Zheng
Kinematic Modeling of Handed Shearing Auxetics via Piecewise Constant Curvature
Garg, Aman; Good, Ian; Revier, Daniel; Airis, Kevin; Lipton, Jeffrey
Optimization of spring constant of a pneumatic artificial muscles-spring driven antagonistic structure
Zhou, Zhongchao; Kokubu, Shota; Wang, Yuanyuan; Lu, Yuxi; Tortós, Pablo; Yu, Wenweiv
Peeling of Electroadhesion Soft Tapes Adhered to Cylindrical Substrates
Mastrangelo, Massimiliano
Self-organization of physics-informed mechanisms in recurrent neural networks: a case study in pneumatic artificial muscles
Sun, Wentao; Akashi, Nozomi; Kuniyoshi, Yasuo; Nakajima, Kohei
Static Modeling of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuator
Tondu, Bertrand
Stretching the Boundary: Shell Finite Elements for Pneumatic Soft Actuators
Smith, Lawrence; Haimes, Jacob; MacCurdy, Robert
Tractable and Intuitive Dynamic Model for Soft Robots via the Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm
Jensen, Spencer; Johnson, Curtis C; Lindberg, Alexa; Killpack, Marc
Trajectory Optimization for Thermally-Actuated Soft Planar Robot Limbs
Wertz, Anthony Tyler; Sabelhaus, Andrew P.; Majidi, Carmel
Oral Session – Self-X
Majid Taghavi (Chair) Seppe Terryn (Co-chair)
An origami crawling robot driven by a folded self-sustained oscillator
Yan, Wenzhong; Mehta, Ankur
Size Changing Soft Modules for Temperature Regulated Self-assembly and Self-disassembly
Han, Junyi; Lahondes, Quentin; Miyashita, Shuhei
A Healable Resistive Heater as a Stimuli-Providing System in Self-Healing Soft Robots
Seyedreza, Kashef Tabrizian; Sahraeeazartamar, Fatemeh; Brancart, Joost; Roels, Ellen; Ferrentino, Pasquale; Van Assche, Guy; Vanderborght, Bram; Terryn, Seppe
Soft Lattice Modules that Behave Independently and Collectively
Zhao, Luyang; Wu, Yijia; Blanchet, Julien; Perroni-Scharf, Maxine; Huang, Xiaonan; Booth, Joran; Kramer-Bottiglio, Rebecca; Balkcom, Devin
12:45am – 1:45pm
Free Time for Lunch
Plenary Talk – Josh Bongard
Fumiya Iida (Chair)
Organisms and robots must find ways to return to a viable state when confronted with unexpected internal surprise such as injury, or external surprise, such as a new environment. Rigid robots can only confront such challenges by adapting behaviorally. Soft robots have the added option of morphological adaptation: changing shape, material properties, topology, plurality, and/or mass. Finally, biological robots — machines built completely from biological tissues — inherit the protean nature of their donor organisms, providing them with forms of morphological and behavioral adaptation beyond even today’s most morphologically plastic soft robots. In this talk I will review our recent efforts to create biological robots, and how their protean natures have led us to rethink how we approach soft robotics, embodied cognition, and intelligence in general.
Oral Session – Grasping and manipulation
Matteo Cianchetti (Chair) Jonathan Rossiter (Co-chair)
Sarabandi, Soheil; Lu, Qiujie; Chen, Genliang; Rojas, Nicolas
Towards Very Low-Cost Iterative Prototyping for Fully Printable Dexterous Soft Robotic Hands
Bauer, Dominik; Bauer, Cornelia; Lakshmipathy, Arjun; Shu, Roberto; Pollard, Nancy S
Embedded Soft Sensing in Soft Ring Actuator for Aiding with the Self-Organisation of the In-Hand Rotational Manipulation
Hashem, Ryman; Iida, Fumiya
Combining suction and friction to stabilize a soft gripper to shear and normal forces, for manipulation of soft objects in wet environments
Sandoval, Jessica; Xu, Thomas; Adibnazari, Iman; Deheyn, Dimitri; Tolley, Michael T.
Interactive Poster Session – Smart structures and manipulation
Poster List
A Magnetically-Actuated Flexible Capsule Robot for Untethered Cardiovascular Interventions
van Vliet, Gijsbert Michiel; Misra, Sarthak; Kalpathy Venkiteswaran, Venkatasubramanian
Case study of a rapid prototyping method for optimizing soft gripper structures with integrated piezoresistive sensors
Georgopoulou, Antonia; Eckey, Louisa Marie; Mondal, Somashree; Clemens, Frank
Getting a Grip: in Materio Evolution of Membrane Morphology for Soft Robotic Jamming Grippers
Howard, David; O’Connor, Jack Anthony; Letchford, Jordan; Brett, James; Joseph, Therese; Lin, Sophia; Furby, Daniel; Delaney, Gary W
HEDRA: A Bio-Inspired Modular Tensegrity Robot With Polyhedral Parallel Modules
Ramadoss, Vishal; Sagar, Keerthi; Ikbal, Mohamed Sadiq; Lugo Calles, Jesus Hiram; Siddaraboina, Raghuveer; Zoppi, Matteo
Module-W: Reconfigurable Modular Robots forming Compliant Structures
Kaneishi, Daisuke; Takijo, Kota
One-shot Learning Closed-loop Manipulation of Soft Slender Objects Based on a Planar Polynomial Curvature Model
Besselaar, Lars; Della Santina, Cosimo
OobSoft Gripper: A reconfigurable soft gripper using Oobleck for versatile and delicate grasping
Yumbla, Francisco; Yumbla, Wendy; Quiñones Yumbla, Emiliano; Moon, Hyungpil
Programmable multistable soft grippers
Osorio, Juan; Morgan, Harith; Arrieta, Andres
R3VAMPs – Fully Recyclable, Reconfigurable, and Recoverable Vacuum Actuated Muscle-inspired Pneumatic structures
Rayner, Portia; Morita, Luka; Sun, Xiaoruo; Sameoto, Dan
Recycling-oriented fabrication of soft robots
Nguyen, Anh Minh; Seibel, Arthur
Sensitivity Analysis for 3D Printed Soft Pneumatic Actuators from 2D Origami Patterns to Functional Systems
García Morales, Ditzia Susana; Raatz, Annika; Jiang, Chaoming
Soft robotic hand with finger-bending/friction-reduction switching mechanism via 1-degree-of-freedom flow control
Nishimura, Toshihiro; Shimizu, Kensuke; Nojiri, Seita; Tadakuma, Kenjiro; Suzuki, Yosuke; Tsuji, Tokuo; Watanabe, Tetsuyou
Temperature Driven Soft Reversible Self-folding Origami String
Lahondes, Quentin; Miyashita, Shuhei
Unleashing Soft Modular Robots by means of a Bio-inspired Connection Strategy
Zappetti, Davide; Stewart, William; Boutot, Maxime; Floreano, Dario
Oral Session – Smart structures and mechanisms
Indrek Must (Chair) Josie Hughes (Co-chair)
Soft Sensorized Physical Twin for Harvesting Raspberries
Junge, Kai; Hughes, Josie
Contact-Rich Soft-Rigid Robots Inspired by Push Puppets
Bern, James; Zamora Yañez, Leonardo; Sologuren, Emily; Rus, Daniela
Behavioral Diversity Generated from Body Environment Interactions in a Simulated Tensegrity Robot
Terajima, Ryo; Inoue, Katsuma; Yonekura, Shogo; Nakajima, Kohei; Kuniyoshi, Yasuo
Soft Tensegrity Robot Driven by Thin Artificial Muscles for the Exploration of Unknown Spatial Configurations
Kobayashi, Ryota; Nabae, Hiroyuki; Endo, Gen; Suzumori, Koichi
Pitch-up Motion Mechanism with Heat Welding by Soft Inflatable Growing Robot
Satake, Yuki; ISHII, Hiroyuki
Electro-Ribbon Muscles for Biomimetic Wing Flapping
Chong, Jian Huai; Romero, Christian; Taghavi, Majid; Rossiter, Jonathan
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Bristo Square
Science Café – Soft robots and the market: opportunities and challenges
Learn more
Science Café are informal panel discussions among a small group of researchers moderated by a scientific journalist and open to a generic audience.
The Science Café II focuses on “Soft robots and the market: opportunities and challenges”, aims at discussing different experiences in technology transfer, opportunities in the different national frameworks, as well as what is missing to fill the gap from research to application for soft robots.
The events will be in person only.