Attendee FAQs
What are my responsibilities as an in-person attendee at RoboSoft 2022?
Each attendee is responsible for their own health, safety and welfare and for the safety of those around them. Everyone attending the Conference is expected to follow all Scottish Government and University of Edinburgh venue guidelines for the duration of the Conference.
For the avoidance of doubt, these guidelines will be clearly communicated at the start of each day’s activities for the duration of the Conference and are briefly summarised below:
- Provide contact details (for each day of attendance) via Check In Scotland app, as per NHS Test & Protect Scotland requirements.
- Wear a face covering in all meeting rooms and public spaces.
- When attendees are eating or drinking in the designated areas, a face covering is not required.
- Notify a member of the venue team immediately should they feel unwell and develop COVID-19 symptoms.
How do attendees show exemptions from wearing face coverings?
We suggest that delegates who are exempt should inform a member of staff on arrival or email us at in advance.
Are attendees required to do a Lateral Flow Test prior to arrival?
We recommend that all attendees carry out a Lateral Flow Test within 24 hours of attending the Conference.
Can attendees shake hands?
We would recommend against this as minimising physical contact reduces the spread of viruses and infection.
Will your cloakroom be available?
Yes, we intend to have the cloakroom open at McEwan Hall for the conference. However, we ask that delegates minimise the number of items they bring to the venue; please note that there will be no left luggage facility available.
What happens if an attendee tests positive or develops COVID-19 symptoms during the conference?
- During an event in a University of Edinburgh managed venue, a room will be reserved as an isolation area. This allows any building occupant (i.e. guest, speaker, sponsor, exhibitor, staff member, third party provider, etc.) who feels unwell and is displaying COVID-19 symptoms to move immediately to a separate space where they should remain until they can safely leave the venue.
- Public Health have confirmed the event can continue given other mitigations that are in place within the venue.
- If a positive COVID-19 test is reported after an event, any close contacts of the infected person will be informed via Test & Protect Scotland.