Welcome to SIMPAR 2016
The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR 2016) will be held in San Francisco, California, December 13–16, 2016. IEEE SIMPAR is the world's leading conference for simulation in robotics and automation. For its fifth edition, SIMPAR will come for the first time to the North American continent.
The theme of the 2016 Edition is Leveraging Simulation and Machine Learning for Robotics.
Onsite registration hours: Mon 17:00-20:00 | Tue 7:00-18:00 | Wed 7:00-15:20 | Thu 8:00-18:00 | Fri 8:00-18:00
News and Important Dates
Dec 18-20 | WAFR 2016 in San Francisco |
Dec 17 | Technical tour: robotics labs at UC Berkeley and Stanford University |
Dec 13-16 | SIMPAR 2016 in San Francisco |
Dec 11 | Conference program brochure available (PDF, 1 MB) |
Dec 10 | Transportation information added |
Nov 21 | Technical tour tickets available |
Nov 20 | Sponsors announced and SIMPAR job fair |
Nov 20 | Pre-boarding Keynote by Andy Ruina |
Nov 12 | Final program announced: program overview and program details |
Oct 12 | Registration open |
Oct 11 | Notifications of acceptance sent and instructions for final paper submissions online |
Oct 2 | Plenary speaker information online: Emo Todorov, Erwin Coumans, and Luis Sentis |
Aug 20 | Workshops and tutorials program available online |
Aug 15 | Information about Accommodation online (discounted rates for SIMPAR attendees) |
Aug 14 | Information about the dinner cruise on the Bay online |
The 2016 International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) will take place in San Francisco from Dec 18-20, adjacent to SIMPAR 2016.