CRC 2020 | Wuhan Institute of Technology (Liufang Campus), Wuhan, China | October 16-18, 2020

CRC 2020 proceedings could be checked in IEEE Xplore.


Keynote Speakers

Session Group Photoes
Best Presenters

IF067: Linear Time-Varying MPC-Based Steering Controller for Vehicle Trajectory Tracking Considering the Effect of Road Topography
Junjie Wang, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

IF056: Crop Recommendation via Clustering Center Optimized Algorithm for Imbalanced Soil Data
Aoqi Liu, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

IF055: Research and Implementation of Chinese Chess Game Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning
Meiyang Li, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

IF011: Efficient Face Super-Resolution Based on Separable Convolution Projection Networks
Xitong Chen, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

IF037: MRLS-TPS-Based Nonrigid Image/Surface Deformation under Manifold Regularization Constraint
Yulu Tian, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

IF004: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network Based on Lite Reduced Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module Group
Yangsheng Tian, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China

IF068: Trajectory Tracking Control of a 3-DOF Planar Wire-Driven Robot
Pan Liu, Huazhong Institute of Electro-Optics, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, China