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Yard Tour

A Unique Hyundai Experience!

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) provides a guided tour for you to experience the world’s best shipyard from the inside. The tour features a unique history of HHI and the ship construction site.

HHI is committed to keeping the visitors’ personal information strictly confidential to protect their identity: Our policy related to the protection of personal information is as follows. Please click the "Agree" button if you agree to our personal information management policy.

Agreement to Personal Information Provision

1. Purpose of Management and Use of Personal Information
- To secure means of communication for the purpose of responding to HHI yard tour applications or replying to general inquiries

2. Items of Personal Information for Collection
- Mandatory Items : Name, E-Mail Address, Mobile Phone Number
- Optional Items : Address, Telephone (Home or Company)
- Additional Items : Name of Groups, Organization, Number of Visitors
- Collection Method : Homepage > To be filled out by the visitors themselves

3. Period of Retention and Use
After the purpose of retention and use of personal information is accomplished, the personal information will be destroyed without delay.
- Items of Retention : Name, E-Mail, Mobile Phone Number, Address
- Ground of Retention : Internal Corporate Management Regulation
- Period of Retention : 2 Years

4. Right to Refuse Consent and Disadvantages in Case of Refusal
You may refuse to consent to the collection of personal information. However, please note that if you disagree, your access to HHI Yard Tour may be limited. Children under 14 years of age cannot apply for a tour registration.

I have read and understood the information regarding the Collection and Usage of Identification.
※ If you may refuse to consent to the collection of personal information, the registration form will not open.

Tour Registration Form Download

Fill out all the mandatories in the form and send it to welcome@hhi.co.kr
Please read and follow the policy on the form.

※ Note

Available time

Available time table - AM, PM
11:30 12:30
  • - Please be on time
  • - Limited number of buses for each tour is three.
  • - HHI tour is available to the registered group (more than 15 people) accompanied by a bus.
  • - Contact Ulsan City Tour (+82-527000052) for a group of less than 15 people.

Tour application must be sent one week prior to your visit.
Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) reserves the right to alter or cancel any of the registered tours according to HHI’s circumstances.