Final Paper Submission

Note: registration will be required both for contributed and for poster track papers (by 13th October). REGISTER HERE.

Accepted Papers

All final versions of papers are limited to eight (8) pages, including references. You are expected to follow the format of the conference template, and papers that fail to do so cannot be included in IEEE Xplore.

(Naturally, it is also required that you agree with the standard terms specified as per the IEEE online Copyright Transfer form.)

Please upload your PDF using the paperplaza website, by the 13th of October.

Papers Invited as Part of the Poster Track

There are three pieces of information for those papers specially invited to the MRS’2017 poster track:

1. Accept the invitation (as soon as possible)

As this track is available to papers only by invitation, we ask that you confirm that you accept the invitation. To do this send an email to with your paper number and title. Doing so represents your agreement that this entails, firstly, providing a cut-down version of your paper to be distributed to MRS attendees, as an extended abstract; secondly, registering and attending the conference to present a physical poster on the work at an interactive session.

2. Submit your extended abstract (by 13 October)

Extended abstracts are limited to two (2) pages, including references. You are expected to follow the format of the conference template (standard IEEE two column, 10pt format), and papers that fail to do so will not be included.

Submit your abstract, in PDF format, via email to

Please include your paper number in the subject line.

3. Prepare your poster (for the conference)

Posters presenters will have access to standard poster equipment (easels, pins, etc.). Posters should be 30″x40″ (76cm x 101cm), either portrait or landscape to suit your message.