The IEEE Student Branch of M.G.U.C.E is going to host the All Kerala Student's Congress (AKSC) this year. Dates are yet to be finalised. (click for more details)
The Student Branch membership for the year 2007 has crossed the 60 mark and is on the rise and the half year membership registration into IEEE is open now. (Click for more)
You exit a busy store, point your key fob across the crowded parking lot, press a button and “Pop!” — your car door unlocks. How does the car know it’s
you? And why don’t other cars open, too? (Read on)
Grey goo refers to a hypothetical end-of-the-world scenario involving
molecular nanotechnology in which out-of-control self-replicating robots consume
all living matter on Earth while building more of themselves...(Read on)
All CDs—and DVDs—work by virtue of marks on the disc that appear
darker than the background. These are detected by shining a laser on them and
measuring the reflected light...(Read on)