Membership, dear membershipWe know that it seems not so wonderful, but we'll tell you that, indeed, it is!

The goals of the membership are to encourage technological innovation, support the profession and promote the scientific community.

The IEEE membership means access to technical and pertinent information. All IEEE members receive exclusive benefits for being part of this organization.

  • With a membership of student you can participate in all activities of your Student Branch as well as IEEE activities in which your branch participate. Members of the Student Branches can compete for scholarships and awards programs.
  • In addition to membership in the Student Branch, IEEE members are automatically enrolled as members of their local branch.
  • There are different types of memberships in which each one has their own benefits.


As an active member of IEEE you receive exclusive benefits such as:

  • Spectrum You will receive IEEE Spectrum magazine monthly (online or printed) and you'll have online access.
  • The Institute Access to IEEE informative newspaper: 12 monthly publications where four are printed and eight released online.
  • IEEE Xplore Search and access to more than 3 million documents in the IEEE Digital Library
  • News Monthly electronic notifications about technical issues.
  • Internet TV, which provides exclusive technical programming videos to IEEE members only.
  • IEEE Alias Login e-mail IEEE offers IEEE member ID. Provides virus detection and spam protection.
  • Shop IEEE Discounts up to 50% onIEEE products.
  • Events Discount rates for events, meetings and courses from IEEE.

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Membership in IEEE is open to individuals who by education or experience give evidence of competence in an IEEE designated field. The designated fields are: Engineering, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Physical Sciences, Biological and Medical Sciences, Mathematics, Technical Communications, Education, Management, and Law and Policy.

IEEE offers the following grades of membership:

  • Student member Must carry at least 50% of a normal full-time academic program in a regular course of study in IEEE-designated fields. You can be student member for up to eight years.After being StM for eight years or after graduating with a baccalaureate or higher degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited institution in an IEEE-designated field the membership will be transferred automatically to member grade, if it's outside of the IEEE-designated fields will then it will be transferred to Associate member grade.
  • Graduate Student member Graduate Student members, upon graduation or upon reaching the total cumulative eight-year limit as a Graduate Student member (whichever occurs first), will be transferred automatically to member grade.
  • Associate member Associate member grade is designed for technical and non-technical individuals who do not meet the qualifications for member grade but who wish to benefit from membership and partnership in IEEE, and for those who are progressing, through continuing education and work experience, toward qualifications for member grade.
  • Member Member grade is limited to those who have satisfied IEEE-specified educational requirements and/or who have demonstrated professional competence in IEEE-designated fields of interest.
  • Senior member The grade of Senior member is the highest for which application may be made and requires experience reflecting professional maturity. For admission or transfer to the grade of Senior member, a candidate shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technical executive, or originator in IEEE-designated fields. The candidate shall have been in professional practice for at least ten years and shall have shown significant performance over a period of at least five of those years.
  • Fellow member The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the profession and is conferred only by invitation of the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of IEEE’s designated fields of interest.
  • Life member The designation Life member is applicable only to a member who has reached the age of 65 years and who has been a member of IEEE (or one of its predecessor societies) for such a period that the sum of his/her age and his/her years of membership equals or exceeds 100 years.
  • Gold member In 1996, IEEE instituted efforts to explore how to improve the retention and better meet the needs of recently graduated Student members. The concept of developing a peer group evolved and was named GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade). The GOLD group is defined as post-student members who are within ten years of receiving their first professional degree.
  • Affiliate A Society affiliate is a member of an IEEE Society. Society affiliates are not IEEE members and are not entitled to any IEEE benefits or services that are reserved solely for IEEE members. All affiliate benefits and services come directly from the individual IEEE Society offering affiliation.

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