This committee is chartered jointly with the IEEE Computer Society.

CPMT Technical Commitee 
on Systems Packaging (TCSP)

This committee provides a global view of the impact of microarchitecture, semiconductor properties and packaging technologies upon the performance and cost of electronic and photonic systems. Of particular interest are systems for the following classes of products: computing, wired and wireless communications, automotive, military, aerospace and portable equipment. The TC deals with the interactions between the chips and the mechanical design, electrical design and thermal design aspects of the interconnection products that support them. Activities for the TC are one or two 3-day workshops each year. These meetings mainly deal with the system application and tradeoff considerations for organic and ceramic SCM and MCM first level packages, organic circuit boards, connectors, cables, racks and the related power distribution and heat removal hardware. Over the years, the participants in the Systems Packaging Technical Committee Workshops have discovered that every designer, independent of specialty, will benefit from understanding the pervasive nature of the decision processes used in choosing the technologies for an electronic system.

History of Systems Packaging Technical Committee

Upcoming Events

* 2010 Systems Packaging Japan Workshop; January 25th - January 27th; Kyoto, Japan

Past Programs

* 2009 European Systems Packaging Workshop; February 2nd - February 4th; Kinsale (County Cork), Ireland

* 2008 Systems Packaging Japan Workshop; January 28th - January 30th; Hakone (near Odawara), Japan

* 2007 European Systems Packaging Workshop; January 29th - January 31st; Como -- Italy

* 2006 Systems Packaging Japan Workshop; January 30th - February 1st; Hakone (near Odawara), Japan

Workshop Photos

For more information, to join our TC, or to volunteer for a leadership position in the TC, send an email note to: Anyone can be a participating member of one or more of the CPMT Society's TCs without belonging to the IEEE; most of our TCs have a mailing list, a newsletter, and a networking listing.

Please see our workshop reports in the CPMT Newsletter at:

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Last Updated: September 22, 2009