Paper Submission

All papers and proposals must be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF (A4 or letter for the initial submission and only letter format for the final submission) format via (the conference/journal management system by IEEE). IEEE CASE 2015 accepts the following types of submissions:

The number of pages including all figures is limited to six, but two additional pages will be permitted at an extra page charge. The file size is limited up to 3MB. Authors should prepare their papers based on the LaTex template or Microsoft Word template. Prior to the submission, the PDF file should be checked for PDF Xpress compliance, see submission instructions at All regular papers will undergo a single-blind peer review. Accepted papers will be presented in an oral presentation during the conference, and included in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Submit paper


Proposals should consist of (i) a title for the proposed session, (ii) a brief summary explaining the goal of the session and the overall theme of the submitted papers, and (iii) a list of papers and authors contact details. The number of pages is limited to two. After a proposal is approved, a specific session code will be given to the session organizer(s) to communicate to authors. In case less than four papers submitted to a special session are finally accepted based on the review, the program chair and the special session committee reserve the right to re-assign these accepted papers into regular sessions.  Submit proposal

The presentation-only category of submission is intended primarily for industry participants. Submissions should be no more than two pages. Accepted submissions in the presentation-only category will make oral presentations at the conference and be listed in the final program, but will not appear in IEEE Xplore.   Submit abstract


After special session proposals are approved, papers may be submitted to the special sessions and should conform to the formatting and electronic submission guidelines of regular papers. Authors should obtain the session code from the session organizer(s) in order to finalize the submission. Special session papers will undergo the same review process as regular papers. Special session papers that are accepted will appear in the conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore.

Proposals should consist of (i) title, (ii) abstract summarizing the proposed workshops/tutorials, (iii) list of organizers and speakers, and (iv) list of topics and their descriptions. The number of pages is limited to three.

At least one author of an accepted paper will have to register at the conference in order to submit the final version. Accepted papers will be presented orally. For additional information, please contact the Program Chair or Co-Chair.