IEEE IES Contest – Under 35 Innovators

The IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) is sponsoring an “Under 35 Innovators” contest, co-sponsored by the Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS). The event is looking for Young Professional innovators working on technological innovation and applied research in industrial electronics and industrial informatics areas. Anyone who has a brilliant idea and has developed or is developing a project leading to an industrial solution or application of it is eligible. Entries from any IES field of interest can be entered. Researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovators from universities and research centers, start-ups, SMEs, corporations, and non-profit organizations are encouraged to participate.

A panel of judges from the IES industry and academic experts will assess the candidates and their submitted project.  The criteria for assessing the submissions are concept, impact on market and technology, value to the industry, and creativity. Therefore all submissions must include such info (or estimations of it).

Winners will be selected from the judges, and the top submissions will be invited to showcase at the premier IEEE IES IECON 2019 conference. The travel/hotel expenses to attend the conference and present their project to the IEEE IES IECON attendees will be reimbursed by IEEE IES (up to typically $2000, economy travel and reimbursement after the event on the basis of receipts).  All winners will be invited to the entire IEEE IES IECON 2019 event (including a free full registration if no papers are associated with their registration) and its activities.IEEE IES IECON 2019 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.This is an IEEE wide innovation contest.

The intent of the contest is not for student projects, but rather ones either heading to or leading to industry solutions and products. Typical examples are innovations developed at a mature level and which are potentially already commercialized or near to commercialization. Excellent candidates are also projects developed during MSc/Ph.D. work which is further continued and has tangible industry potential and applicability.

To apply,

       Fill out the applicant information form below. 

       Attach a 1-2 pages summary of the project including technology, impacts to market and industry, and target products. 

       Add a 2- to 5-minute video overview to describe the effort.  The more precise the description and its impacts the better the chance of being accepted.  Be sure and include the suitable technical description and product impacts as well as any analysis overview.

Applicant Form:

  • Fillable PDF
  • MS Word
  • Send the completed form to the IEEE IES Industry Activities Committee (IAC) at iac(@)

Important Dates

July 31, 2019 - Submission Deadline (extended)
September 20, 2019 - Notification of candidates 

The winners (alphabetical order) were invited to attend and present their work at IEEE IES IECON 2019:

  • Bharat Balagopal
    North Carolina State University
  • Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli
    Delft University of Technology
  • Takahiro Nozaki
    Keio University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology
  • Thomas Beauduin
    MTT Innovation Inc, a Barco Company