Symposium Program at a Glance

Condensed Program: Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Locations for Short Courses will be announced on September 6.

8:00 am-12:30 pm

Short Course 1A

Biomedical Photoacoustics: Illuminating the Principles of Acoustic Radiation Created by Optical Excitation

Short Course 1B

Elasticity Imaging: Methods & Applications

Short Course 1C

Signal Processing and System-on-Chip Designs for Ultrasonic Imaging, Echo Estimation, and Data Compression

Short Course 1D

The Fundamentals of Bulk-Acoustic-Wave Resonator Acoustics

Short Course 1E

Numerical Techniques for Simulation and Design of RF SAW/BAW Devices

Short Course 1F

Piezoelectric Fundamentals -Materials and Transducers

12:30 pm-2:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:30 pm

Short Course 2A

Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging: Basic Principles and Applications

Short Course 2B

Ultrasound Vector Velocity Imaging

Short Course 2C

Introduction to Ultrasonic Simulation with COMSOL

Short Course 2D


Short Course 2E

Time-Domain Ultrasound Simulation in Biological Tissue using k-Wave

Short Course 2F

Medical Ultrasound Transducers

6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Industry & University Employer / Job Seeker Network Event (Blue Room)


Condensed Program: Thursday, September 7, 2017


8:00 am-9:30 am

Opening & Plenary Talk (Regency Ballroom)

9:30 am-10:30 am

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)


Regency Ballroom

Ambassador Ballroom

Palladian Room

Diplomat Room



Hampton Room

Empire Room

10:30 am-12:00 pm

Session 1A.

MEL: Cardiac Elasticity Imaging

Session 2A.

MBB: Coherence and adaptive beamforming

Session 3A.

MTH: Histotripsy, Lithotripsy, Thrombotripsy

Session 4A.

MBF: 3D Flow Imaging

Session 5A.


Session 6A.

PNL - Nonlinear Acoustics

Session 7A.

Ultrasound Imaging Devices I

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Lunch Break

1:30 pm-3:00 pm

Session 1B.

Clinical: Clinical Ultrasound

Session 2B.

MSP: Improving Resolution and Detection

Session 3B.

MTH: Cavitation

Session 4B.

MPA: Endoscopic / Intravascular Photoacoustic Imaging and New Approaches

Session 5B.

Imaging and Photoacoustics

Session 6B.

Materials for Microacoustics

Session 7B.

High-frequency Imaging Devices and Systems

3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)

4:00 pm-5:30 pm

Session 1C.

MTH: HIFU and Ablation

Session 2C.

MBB: Novel imaging methods

Session 3C.

MCA: Microbubble localization microscopy 1

Session 4C.

MTC: Staging and monitoring of diseases and tissue physiology

Session 5C.

Material and Defect Characterization

Session 6C.

POA - Opto-Acoustics

Session 7C.

Innovative Applications of Microacoustic Components

7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Reception (Blue Room)


Condensed Program: Friday, September 8, 2017



Regency Ballroom

Ambassador Ballroom

Palladian Room

Diplomat Room



Hampton Room

Empire Room

 8:00 am-9:30 am

Session 1D.

MIM: Brain and acoustoelectric imaging

Session 2D.

MSD: Novel real-time implementations

Session 3D.

MEL: New Elasticity Methods

Session 4D.

MPA: Photoacoustic reconstruction approaches and technical developments

Session 5D.

Acoustic Nonlinearity

Session 6D.


Session 7D.

Medical Ultrasound Devices and their Applications

9:30 am-10:30 am

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)

10:30 am-12:00 pm

Session 1E.

MBF: Cerebrovascular and Microvascular Imaging

Session 2E.

MSD: Towards real-time 3D imaging

Session 3E.

MEL: Elasticity Based Tumor Detection

Session 4E.

MPA: Clinical and Pre-Clinical models

Session 5E.

PAT - Acoustic Tweezers and Particle Manipulation

Session 6E.


Session 7E.

CMUT Technology

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Lunch Break

1:30 pm-3:00 pm

Session 1F.

MTH: Brain

Session 2F.

MIM: Fast cardiac imaging: methods and applications

Session 3F.

MEL: Elastography in Anisotropic Tissue

Session 4F.

MPA: Molecular Imaging and Photoacoustic Contrast Agents

Session 5F.

Optimization of Quality Factor of Acoustic Resonators

Session 6F.

NDE and Industrial Applications

Session 7F.

Ultrasound Electronics and Systems

3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)

4:00 pm-5:30 pm

Session 1G.

MTH: Blood-Brain-Barrier

Session 2G.

MEL: Carotid Elastography

Session 3G.

MTC: In vivo soft tissue characterization

Session 4G.

MCA: New US contrast agents for imaging and therapy

Session 5G.

PGP - General Physical Acoustics

Session 6G.

Signal Processing

Session 7G.

Devices for Therapeutic Ultrasound

6:30 pm-9:30 pm


(Regency Ballroom)

Condensed Program: Saturday, September 9, 2017



Regency Ballroom

Ambassador Ballroom

Palladian Room

Diplomat Room



Hampton Room

Empire Room

 8:00 am-9:30 am

Session 1H.

MBE: Cell Dynamics, Microbubbles, and Sonoporation

Session 2H.

MTC: Hard and ex vivo human tissue characterization

Session 3H.

MIM: Super-resolution and contrast imaging

Session 4H.

MBF: Methods in Flow Studies: Phantoms and Algorithms

Session 5H.

Flow Measurement and Wave Propagation

Session 6H.

PPN - Phononics

Session 7H.

Microacoustic Device Design

9:30 am-10:30 am

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)

10:30 am-12:00 pm

Session 1I.

MTH: Therapeutic Ultrasound Applications

Session 2I.

MIM: Machine learning for image reconstruction and interpretation

Session 3I.

MCA: Contrast imaging: beamforming and signal processing

Session 4I.

MBF: Vector Flow Imaging: Applications and Methods

Session 5I.

MEL: Cardiac Strain Imaging

Session 6I.

Advanced Transducer Materials and Designs

Session 7I.

PTF - Thin Films

12:00 pm-1:30 pm

Lunch Break and Women in Engineering Luncheon (Congressional Room)

1:30 pm-3:00 pm

Session 1J.

MBE: Neuromodulation and Cell Stimulation

Session 2J.

MIM: Improving image quality and analysis

Session 3J.

MCA: Contrast agents and therapy assessment

Session 4J.

MBB: Volumetric and Fourier domain approaches

Session 5J.

MEL: Vascular Elastography

Session 6J.

Ultrasound Imaging Devices II

Session 7J.

Microacoustic Sensor and Lamb Wave Devices

3:00 pm-4:00 pm

Poster Session and Refreshments (Exhibit Hall and Bird Cage Walk)

4:00 pm-5:30 pm

Session 1K.

MTH: Ultrasound Mediated Delivery

Session 2K.

MEL: Elastography in Clinical Application

Session 3K.

MCA: Microbubble localization microscopy 2

Session 4K.

MSP: Optimizing Imaging Performance

Session 5K.

MIM: Medical Imaging 

Session 6K.

Novel Transducers and Transducer Applications

Session 7K.

PUM - Ultrasonic Motors and High Intensity Applications