Judith A. Resnick Contributions to space engineering, contributions prior to 37th birthday
Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Integration of computers and communications
Award in International Communication Contributions in international communications
Eric E. Sumner Award Communications Technology
James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award Contributions to speech and/or audio signal processing
Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award Consumer electronics technology
Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award Student recognition for exceptional accomplishment
Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award Graduate teaching award
Undergraduate Teaching Award Undergraduate teaching award
Cledo Brunetti Award Miniaturization of electronics
David Sarnoff Award Electronics
Andrew S. Grove Award Solid state devices
Solid State Circuits Award Solid state electronics
Electromagnetics Award Electromagnetics
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Award Components, electronic packaging or manufacturing technologies
Daniel E. Noble Award Emerging technologies
Lilly Award in Medical and Biological Engineering Medical and biological
Presentation of this award has been suspended
Frederik Philips Award Management of R&D
Kiyo Tomiyasu Award Technologies holding the promise of innovative applications
Emanuel R. Piore Award Information processing/computer science
Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Award Information storage
Internet Award Network architecture, mobility and end-use applications
Photonics Award Outstanding achievements in photonics
Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award Contributions to transmission and distribution
Nikola Tesla Award Contributions in generation and utilization of electric power
Robotics & Automation Award Contributions in the field of robotics and automation
Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award Development of standards in electrical and electronics engineering
Control Systems Award Meritorious achievement in control systems engineering
Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation & Measurement Contributions in electrical measurements
Richard Harold Kaufmann Award Achievement in industrial systems engineering
Outstanding Branch Counselor/ Advisor Award Recognition for outstanding faculty Counselor or Advisor
Employer Professional Development Award Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities Recognizes IEEE members for outstanding contributions in accreditation of engineering, engineering technology, and computer science programs.
Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education Recognizes IEEE members for the design, delivery, and support of continuing education courses and programs.
Major Educational Innovation Award Outstanding educational innovation in a field of interest of the IEEE
Pre-College Educator Award Recognizes pre-college teacher who has inspired an appreciation and understanding of math, science and technology and the engineering process in students and has encouraged students to pursue technical careers.
Meritorious Service Citation Recognizes IEEE members who are past members of the EAB or current or past members of EAB committees (other than currently serving on ARC) for outstanding and sustained service to the aims and objectives of the IEEE Educational Activities Board.
Employer Professional Development Award Recognizes organizations employing IEEE members for contributions to employee continuing education and professional development.
Vice President's Recognition Award To recognize IEEE Members who have had significant and substantial effect on the practice of engineering and of engineering education related to the mission of the EAB.
Employer Professional Development Award Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
Meritorious Service Citation Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
Standards Association Corporate Award Outstanding leadership and contributions to the IEEE-SA
Standards Association International Award Extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the international goals of the IEEE-SA
Alexander Graham Bell Medal Communication Sciences and Engineering
Heinrich Hertz Medal Hertzian (radio) waves - Presentation of this award has been suspended
Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Signal processing
James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award Contributions to speech and/or audio signal processing
Corporate Innovation Recognition Outstanding and exemplary contributions by an industrial entity, governmental or academic organization, or other corporate body.
James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal Excellence in teaching and inspiring students
Robert N. Noyce Medal Exceptional contributions to the microelectronics industry
Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Application Accomplishments in advancing the fields of radar technologies
Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal Outstanding contributions to material and device science technology
Edison Medal Achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering or electrical arts
IEEE Medal of Honor Engineering and science of concern to IEEE
Lamme Medal Development of electrical and electronic apparatus or systems - Presentation of this award has been suspended
Founders Medal Contribution in leadership, planning and administration of value to the profession
Medal for Engineering Excellence Achievement in application engineering in IEEE technical disciplines
John Von Neumann Medal Outstanding achievement in computer related science and technology
Richard W. Hamming Medal Information sciences and systems
Donald G. Fink Prize Award Outstanding survey, review or tutorial paper in IEEE publication
W. R. G. Baker Prize Award Outstanding original work in IEEE publication
Haraden Pratt Award Outstanding service to the Institute
Honorary Member Meritorious service in IEEE fields
Richard M. Emberson Award Advancement and pursuit of the technical objectives of IEEE
Simon Ramo Medal Systems engineering and science major engineering contribution or technical leadership
Distinguished Public Service Award Furthering IEEE goals
Electrotechnology Transfer Award Applying technology to commercial sector
Harry Diamond Memorial Award Government service
Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession Award Outstanding journalistic effort
Furthering Engineering Professionalism Award Outstanding journalistic effort
Citation of Honor Professional activities in the USA
Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Professionalism Award Social, economic, legal and ethical goals of IEEE
Award for Distinguished Public Service Members of government bodies, leaders of industry, members of academia, and others outside of the profession of engineering, in the United States
Professional Achievement Award Professional activities in the USA
Regional/Divisional Professional Leadership Award Professional aims of IEEE in the USA
Elmer A. Sperry Award Contributions that, through application proved in actual service, have advanced the state of the art of transportation whether by land, sea, or air
Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Fulfilling RAB transnational goal s
RAB Achievement Award Substantive project to fulfill RAB goals
RAB Innovation Award Innovation in fulfilling RAB goals
RAB Leadership Award Implement activities to support RAB goals
Outstanding Engineer Award Technical achievement
Outstanding Service Award Service to Region 3
Professional Leadership Award Professional aims of the IEEE in the United States
William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award Service to RAB - Note: One award every three years
Student Professional Activities Service Award Advance professional aims of IEEE in Region 3
Friend of IEEE Regional Activities Award Support provided to the IEEE and its members in support of its goals by firms, divisions of firms or individuals.
IEEE-SA Standards Medallion Outstanding achievement in the development and implementation of standards in electrotechnology.
Dan Jackson Award Outstanding service to Region 3
Judith A. Resnick Contributions to space engineering, contributions prior to 37th birthday
Standards Association Corporate Award Outstanding leadership and contributions to the IEEE-SA
Corporate Innovation Recognition Outstanding and exemplary contributions by an industrial entity, governmental or academic organization, or other corporate body.
Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Integration of computers and communications
Award in International Communication Contributions in international communications
Eric E. Sumner Award Communications Technology
Alexander Graham Bell Medal Communication Sciences and Engineering
Heinrich Hertz Medal Hertzian (radio) waves - Presentation of this award has been suspended
Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal Signal processing
Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award Consumer electronics technology
Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award Student recognition for exceptional accomplishment
Leon K. Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award Graduate teaching award
Undergraduate Teaching Award Undergraduate teaching award
Outstanding Branch Counselor/ Advisor Award Recognition for outstanding faculty Counselor or Advisor
The Annual Pletta Award Virginia's Educator of the Year - Sorry this award is suspended.
Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities Recognizes IEEE members for outstanding contributions in accreditation of engineering, engineering technology, and computer science programs.
Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education Recognizes IEEE members for the design, delivery, and support of continuing education courses and programs.
Major Educational Innovation Award Outstanding educational innovation in a field of interest of the IEEE
Pre-College Educator Award Recognizes a pre-college teacher who has inspired an appreciation and understanding of math, science and technology and the engineering process in students and has encouraged students to pursue technical careers.
Meritorious Service Citation Recognizes IEEE members who are past members of the EAB or current or past members of EAB committees (other than currently serving on ARC) for outstanding and sustained service to the aims and objectives of the IEEE Educational Activities Board.
Employer Professional Development Award Recognizes organizations employing IEEE members for contributions to employee continuing education and professional development.
Vice President's Recognition Award To recognize IEEE Members who have had significant and substantial effect on the practice of engineering and of engineering education related to the mission of the EAB.
Employer Professional Development Award Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
Meritorious Service Citation Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal Excellence in teaching and inspiring students
Cledo Brunetti Award Miniaturization of electronics
David Sarnoff Award Electronics
Andrew S. Grove Award Solid state devices
Solid State Circuits Award Solid state electronics
Electromagnetics Award Electromagnetics
Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Award Components, electronic packaging or manufacturing technologies
Robert N. Noyce Medal Exceptional contributions to the microelectronics industry
Dennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications Accomplishments in advancing the fields of radar technologies
Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal Outstanding contributions to material and device science technology
Daniel E. Noble Award Emerging technologies
Eli Lilly Award in Medical and Biological Engineering Medical and biological engineering - Presentation of this award has been suspended
Edison Medal Achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering or electrical arts
IEEE Medal of Honor Engineering and science of concern to IEEE
Lamme Medal Development of electrical and electronic apparatus or systems - Presentation of this award has been suspended
Outstanding Engineer Award Technical achievement
Frederik Philips Award Management of R&D
Kiyo Tomiyasu Award Technologies holding the promise of innovative applications
Founders Medal Contribution in leadership, planning and administration of value to the profession
Medal for Engineering Excellence Achievement in application engineering in IEEE technical disciplines
The Annual Crozet Award Virginia's Government Engineer of the Year - Sorry this award is suspended.
Distinguished Public Service Award Furthering IEEE goals
Electrotechnology Transfer Award Applying technology to commercial sector
Harry Diamond Memorial Award Government service
Emanuel R. Piore Award Information processing/computer science
Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Award Information storage
Internet Award Network architecture, mobility and end-use applications.
John Von Neumann Medal Outstanding achievement in computer related science and technology
Richard W. Hamming Medal Information sciences and systems
Donald G. Fink Prize Award Outstanding survey, review or tutorial paper in IEEE publication
W. R. G. Baker Prize Award Outstanding original work in IEEE publication
Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession Award Outstanding journalistic effort
Furthering Engineering Professionalism Award Outstanding journalistic effort
Photonics Award Outstanding achievements in photonics
Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award Contributions to transmission and distribution
Nikola Tesla Award Contributions in generation and utilization of electric power
Robotics & Automation Award Contributions in the field of robotics and automation
Haraden Pratt Award Outstanding service to the Institute
Honorary Member Meritorious service in IEEE fields
Richard M. Emberson Award Advancement and pursuit of the technical objectives of IEEE
Citation of Honor Professional activities in the USA
Robert S. Walleigh Distinguished Contributions to Engineering Professionalism Award Social, economic, legal and ethical goals of IEEE
Award for Distinguished Public Service Members of government bodies, leaders of industry, members of academia, and others outside of the profession of engineering, in the United States
Professional Achievement Award Professional activities in the USA
Regional/Divisional Professional Leadership Award Professional aims of IEEE in the USA
Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award Fulfilling RAB transnational goals
RAB Achievement Award Substantive project to fulfill RAB goals
RAB Innovation Award Innovation in fulfilling RAB goals
RAB Leadership Award Implement activities to support RAB goals
Employer Professional Development Award Contributions to employee continuing education and professional development
Outstanding Service Award Service to Region 3
Professional Leadership Award Professional aims of the IEEE in the United States
William W. Middleton Distinguished Service Award Service to RAB - Note: One award every three years
Student Professional Activities Service Award Advance professional aims of IEEE in Region 3
Friend of IEEE Regional Activities Award Support provided to the IEEE and its members in support of its goals by firms, divisions of firms or individuals.
Dan Jackson Award Outstanding service to Region 3
Standards Association International Award Extraordinary contributions to the advancement of the international goals of the IEEE-SA
Standards Board Distinguished Service Award Major contributions to the standards development process
IEEE-SA Standards Medallion Outstanding achievement in the development and implementation of standards in electrotechnology.
Standards Association Working Group Chair Awards Contributions towards getting new standards documents published, and for their participation in the standards development process
Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award Development of standards in electrical and electronics engineering
Control Systems Award Meritorious achievement in control systems engineering
Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation & Measurement Contributions in electrical measurements
Richard Harold Kaufmann Award Achievement in industrial systems engineering
Simon Ramo Medal Systems engineering and science major engineering contribution or technical leadership
Elmer A. Sperry Award Contributions that, through application proved in actual service, have advanced the state of the art of transportation whether by land, sea, or air
The Annual Crozet Award to Virginia's Government Engineer of the Year
The Annual Pletta Award to Virginia's Engineering Educator of the Year
Annual Crozet Award to Virginia's Government Engineer of the Year
Sorry this award is suspended.
The Crozet Award is to recognize a Virginia State or local government engineer who has exhibited outstanding leadership in technical and non-technical fields as well as public service to the Commonwealth. The award honors Colonel Claudius Crozet who was Principal Engineer of Virginia from 1823 to 1842.
Sorry this award is suspended.
The Pletta Award is to recognize a Virginia educator who has exhibited outstanding teaching and public service in the Commonwealth. The award honors Professor Dan H. Pletta, PE, who taught Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University from 1932 through 1972, and continues to be nationally recognized as an authority on engineering ethics and professionalism
Any engineering educator in Virginia who, on the date of his or her nomination, is employed by an institution of higher education in Virginia that has one or more programs accredited by ABET-EAC.
The nominee need not be a Virginia resident and may be in a teaching or administrative position.
The nominator must complete and certify a nomination. Anyone may nominate a candidate. Follow the outline found here (PDF).
Nominations must be addressed to the Pletta Award Committee, c/o Virginia Society of Professional Engineers, 9291 Laurel Grove Road, Suite 10, Mechanicsville, VA 23116-2969. The use of the society is for mailing purposes only.
Nominations must be postmarked on or before April 15 in order to be considered by the committee.
The Award is presented annually at an appropriate statewide engineering function, which will provide an occasion to recognize the Pletta Award recipient for outstanding service as a teacher and role model in a gathering of Virginia engineering leaders.