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IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)
French Chapter (FC)

Tour Eyffel - Paris
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Réseaux - The French Chapter Newsletter!

With the newsletter Réseaux, we expect to strengthen and mesh the links between the members of the IEEE PES French Chapter.

Réseaux, with two issues a year, does not intend to be a sophisticated journal, but a simple way to connect people.

In each issue, you will find news from the IEEE PES French Chapter Bureau, announcements of future congresses and workshops, minutes of conferences and meetings, and also news about the women and men who make the IEEE PES a living Society.

Now we need your remarks and your contributions: Réseaux really wants to be your newsletter!

Please contact the Editor ( ) if you wish to make any suggestion or publish an article on Réseaux Magazine.

Réseaux 9 - April 2010 Issue

Réseaux 8 - June 2009 Issue

Réseaux 7 - November 2008 Issue

Réseaux 6 - February 2008 Issue

Réseaux 5 - July 2007 Issue

Réseaux 4 - October  2006  Issue

Réseaux 3 - April  2006  Issue

Réseaux 2 - November  2005  Issue

Réseaux 1 - April  2005  Issue

Réseaux 0 - November 2004 Issue

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