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Review Process and Acceptance

Preparation of Final Manuscripts

Page Charges and Deposit

Further Information


The Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering considers previously unpublished work not submitted elsewhere, in either English or French, by both Canadian and international authors. 

The papers we publish focus on original research in the field of electrical and computer engineering, current electrical and computer engineering practice, or the history of electrical and computer engineering relevant to the Canadian scene. We also consider brief descriptions of new technical achievements and high quality application articles related to novel realizations or major system implementations.

Papers are typically 3–10 pages long (in final form). Although colour images are accepted, no reference must be made to any specific colour, as B&W hard copies of the CJECE are printed for distribution to subscribers. For example, a graph showing several sets of measurement data should differentiate these primarily by various combinations of length and spacing of dashes and spaces, and/or insertion of symbols/motifs. If desired, each data set can also be shown in a separate colour, a differentiation that will be retained in the PDF posted on IEEE Xplore.

All submissions are reviewed by independent referees as coordinated by the EiCs and Associate Editors

For the peer review process, only a PDF or PS (PDF preferred) of the full paper is necessary. All authors whose papers are approved for publication in the journal will be requested to submit their final materials in an acceptable format to the CJECE’s Publication Editor.

Review Process and Acceptance

An Associate Editor will forward your submission to several independent referees for review. You are invited to recommend reviewers or exclude ones. The discretion in this regard will be ultimately with the Associate Editors.

If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be notified via the Manuscript Central system and will be asked to prepare and submit the final manuscript material. We intend to provide first decisions to the authors in less than 6 months from the date of submission. As we move forward with the new system, this time will be further shortened

Preparation of Final Manuscripts

Once your paper has been approved for publication, you will be asked to submit supplemental electronic files that will enable the CJECE’s Publication Editor to oversee production of a camera-ready PDF. This submission will be through an upload on the Manuscript Central system. All materials must be combined into a .zip file for upload.


Along with a PDF of the final approved paper, submitted files must include a version of your paper in either .tex, .doc or .docx format containing the equations and figure captions; the actual figures can be embedded or supplied separately. If using Microsoft Word for lay-out, Math Type is preferred for building equations over Equation Editor.

The CJECE follows IEEE style with some exceptions. For specific guidelines on style and format, see the CJECE Style Guide. For LaTeX users, a template and style file can be downloaded by right-clicking on the respective links below.
- LaTeX template
- LaTeX style file

We are currently developing a template for Microsoft Word. In the meantime, submission in the IEEE single-column double-spaced format is recommended.


For figures that are not photographs, vector (scalable) format is preferred; vector images supplied separately must be in either .eps, .ps, .svg, .pdf or .ai format. Non-vector “raster” images can be in virtually any format. However, the resolution should be a minimum of 250 pixels per inch at the size the image is to be reproduced at. If .JPEG or other “lossy”-type formats are used, then compression should be set to minimum during their creation if the author has any control over this. 

The following is a list of common raster image formats that are acceptable: Bit Map (.bmp, .rle, .dib); Graphics Interchange Format (.gif); Dicom (.dcm, .dc3, .dic); IFF (.iff, .tdi); JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe); JPEG 2000 (.jpg, .jpx, .jp2. .j2c, .j2k. jpc); PCX (.pcx); Pixar (.pxr); PNG (.png); Portable Bit Map (.pbm, .pgm, .ppm, .pnm, .pfm); Scitex CT (.sct); Targa (.tga, .vda, .icb, .vst) and, TIFF (.tif, .tiff).

Please do not put a frame around your figures (we will add one later), and please do not include the figure caption in your graphics file.


Authors will also be asked to provide a biography of between 100 and 200 words in length; if there are multiple authors, avoid huge variation in lengths. Author photos are also requested, reproduced at standard dimensions of 1” x 1 5/16”. The ideal is a “head and shoulders” shot with minimum corresponding pixel dimensions of roughly 250 x 330. Of course, we can easily crop a photo that gives more background than head and shoulders, provided the photo is of sufficiently high resolution. In this latter case, if you know the pixel dimensions of the entire photo, a rough estimate of what percent of the photo is occupied by the “head and shoulders” portion will yield a ratio that should be sufficiently accurate to make the necessary determination. Either colour or B&W photos are fine for this purpose.


If you have any questions about requirements for submission of material necessary for your camera-ready PDF, please contact the CJECE’s Publication editor.

Bruce Van-Lane, P.Eng.
Communication Matters
Telephone: 416-599-9229 Ext 1

Page Charges and Deposit

When your paper is published, you will be asked to pay a page charge of CDN$100 per page of camera-ready lay-out in order to help offset the publication costs. The minimum page charge is $400, regardless of actual paper length.

To speed up the revision process, submitted papers are first quickly reviewed by the Co-Editors. At this stage, no deposit is necessary. The decision of the Co-Editors is final and without appeal. If the submitted paper passes this first step, then the formal (more lengthy) revision process is started by a CDN$100 deposit becoming payable. Once this payment is received, papers are assigned to an Associate Editor. Authors are notified by e-mail once the deposit is required. Authors are required to make sure their $100 deposit is received by our office (address below) within one month of the request for the deposit. Otherwise, the paper will be automatically rejected.

The preferred means of payment for both deposits and final page charges is through postal money order. If the paper is not approved by an Associate Editor for publication, the deposit will be returned to the author. The postal money order deposit will be cashed only if the paper is approved, in which case it will be applied to the dues for the page charges.

The mailing address for both the initial $100 deposit as well as the final page charge amount is shown below:

Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
P.O. Box 63005, University Postal Outlet, Shopper’s Drug Mart #742
102 Plaza Drive
Dundas, ON  L9H 4H0

Please remember that without submission of the preliminary CA$100 deposit, manuscripts accepted for Review will not be assigned to Associate Editors.

Authors are given the opportunity to review the camera-ready PDF for their approval before being invoiced for page charges. Requested changes to originally submitted graphics or equations may result in extra charges to compensate for the additional effort of CJECE production staff. Papers are not published until all charge payments have been received.

Further Information

For more information, contact:

Dr. Shahram Yousefi, Editor-in-Chief
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Queen's University
Walter Light Hall 422, 19 Union St.
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

Telephone: (613) 533-2936/2925
Fax: (613) 533-6615

Updated January  2013

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