The IEEE is a non-profit organization, leadership role in the progression of technology is a unity. IEEE expansion, is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Installation, since only the electrical and electronics engineers for being out all engineering and positive science and technology dealing with everyone that I become the IEEE 's expansion is now the Institute of Engineers and Everybody Else as amended, and multi-faceted structure became punctuated. AIEE in 1963 (founded in 1884 by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers) and the IRE (1912, founded the Institute of Radio Engineers) 's been formed with the merger.

Since the establishment of the IEEE,

  • Theory of electro-technology and related disciplines, and progress has been done,
  • Took part in accelerating technology innovation,
  • Wide range of services and programs to the needs of their members have contributed by it.

The IEEE's vision, technological innovation by improving career opportunities for members of the progress of humanity by recognizing and worldwide to increase global wellbeing. The IEEE mission, electro and information technologies and sciences for the creation of engineering, development, implementation and share their knowledge for the benefit of humanity and to strengthen the profession. Installations around the world through membership in the IEEE aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and electronic instruments in many areas is the world's leading authorities. IEEE, a member of the technical and professional information, resources and services. IEEE also of interest to engineering students �niverstelerdeki to strengthen the services are also available to members. Another important part of the IEEE The IEEE buy products, conferences and other organizations that participate in the program constitutes the IEEE.

ITo learn more about the IEEE; https://www.ieee.org site can contact.


So Why IEEE?

  • IEEE positive because all the engineering and science and technology will appeal to anyone interested in an organization.
  • University will not limit your horizons with your own, because thanks to the IEEE, will move to a level of national and international..
  • IEEE Electro-technology and science because of the theory, and progress has ugulamalarini, took part in the technology innovation accelerator is an organization,
  • IEEE school and professional life because you will be on your side and will always support an organization.
  • Because the IEEE, a member of the technical and professional information, resources, and provide services, with each member a monthly scientific journal Spectrum'u ways.
  • Because the IEEE, a member offers exceptional size of the article archive..
  • Because the IEEE 160 countries 80,000 more students this giant is an organization composed of 370 000 persons.