Contests & Awards Committee


The primary goal of the Contests & Awards Committee is to publicize IEEE students chapter SNIST throughout the world. In the aim of being successful in a competition and winning an award, we believe that the students will become more dynamic and active in their college lives. This is an important factor that prepares them to the future.

1.IEEEXtreme 24-Hour Programming Challenge:

IEEEXtreme is an IEEE Student's Committee initiative creating a worldwide programming contest for IEEE Student Branches.

IEEEXtreme is a worldwide contest in which teams of student members, supported by an IEEE Student Branch, advised and proctored by an IEEE Member, compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.

2. Unlimited Ideas

In this organization, which will be done during the whole semester, students compete by themselves. Every month, one question will be asked to the participant students. Students will have a chance to get clues about the questions in order to solve that month's question. By using the clues, imaginary will be used more than knowledge to reach the solutions of the questions. Solutions of the participants will be consider by a jury which is formed by the professors of our university. Every month, this jury will be giving points to participants. At the end of the semester, the participant who gets highest point will be winner.

3. IEEE Student Branch Web Site Contest:

The IEEE Student Branch Web Site Contest is conducted by the IEEE Students Committee. In 2008, the committee formerly known as the Student Activities Committee was renamed the Students Committee under the Member and Geographic Activities Department. This year over 120 Student Branches participated in their regional contests and the judges chose these as the top web site designs worldwide. The web site designs are for and by IEEE Student members.

First place won a US $1,000 cash award, second place US $750 cash award, third place US $500, and seven received US $250 cash awards. All Student Branches will receive customized certificates for their Branch and for the web masters.

4. IEEE Awards

We plan to apply for a number of IEEE Awards. For a complete list, you can check the link ;click here

Education awards; click here