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The name of this page "Exceed" has been chosen to attract the people who have the passion to make a difference; "exceed" encourages the person of "high potential" to do something better than others.

This page is considered as the IEEE HU Honor Wall, here we post the names of those people who really made a difference in our branch for the benefits of students and community!

Can You Exceed These People?!

Year Name Achievements within IEEE
2003 Eng. Mohamed Khawaja Played a key role in establishing the IEEE-HU Branch
2009 Eng. Mohamed Abu Khalaf Reactivated the IEEE-HU Branch after sleeping long! And was appointed as a Chairman for 2009.
2009-now Ahmed Atyat Elected as Chairman for the IEEE-HU Branch, organized many activities for the HU students; scientific trips, courses, & meetings during the IEEE & before.
2009-now Mahmoud Al-Shattel Elected for the Secretary officer position, established the computer committee, designed the website, & organized many events.
2009-now Baker Abu Al-Hawa Elected for the Treasurer position, worked as spokesperson for the IEEE-HU, & organized many events during IEEE.
2009-now Zain Abu Farha Elected as WIE Chairperson, helped in organizing many events and courses, she is the motivator of females in our branch!
2009-now Yazan Al-Najjar Elected for the Vice-chairman, helped in coordination & motivation with the students of his class.


Our student branch is managed and operated by student volunteers; mainly by an elected Executive Committee (ExCom), in addition,  we have a special stature for female volunteers; usually through the affinity group called Women in Engineering (WIE). Also, we have many operating committees, such as Computer Committee, Planning Committee, and Elections Committee.

The volunteers of IEEE-HU awarded and recognize frequently, and we have a special recognition for the volunteers every year in "Annual Meeting for IEEE-HU Member", which takes place at the beginning of the studying year.

  • Do you have the passion to volunteer in IEEE?!

  • What's your benefit from being volunteer with such huge institute?!

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