Reviewers' Guidelines
Invited to Review for IEEE TechSym 2014
If you have been invited to review for IEEE TechSym 2014, an account has been automatically generated for you using the contact email as your account name (regardless of whether you agreed to review or not). You need to only request for a new password via "Reset your password". You will receive the new password on your email. Please log in using the new password and remember to change it to your favorable one once logged in.
Please add "" to your list of safe senders to prevent important email announcements from being blocked by spam filters.
Conflict of interest domain
When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to enter your conflict domain information. You will not be able to review any paper without entering this information. This is necessary to ensure conflict free reviewing of all papers. Typically if your affiliate institution/organization provides official e-mail id as, your conflict domain is Additionally if your institution uses multiple domain names ( and or you are associated with multiple institutions/organizations, please enter all such information. Please avoid entering commercial domain names (e.g.,,,, etc.) as your conflict domain since it would add to unnecessary complications during reviewer assignment.
Received notification about papers assigned for review
Once you've been notified that the papers have been assigned to you, please log in to the site. Click on "Paper Reviews and Discussions". In the "Paper Reviews and Discussions" page, click on "Download Assigned Papers". This allows you to download a zip file containing all the papers plus supplementary files (if available). If you observe any violations of Editorial Policies or Manuscript Preparation Guidelines, (e.g., manuscript is not blind-submission, authors have exceeded prescribed page limit of 6 pages, or authors have not followed an IEEE conference template for manuscript preparation) please inform the track chair.
Reviewing criteria and review submission
For a paper, under the review column, click "Add" (to the right of the "Review" line) to review. The reviewing pane has certain questions which are designed to help Technical Program Committee assess suitability of selecting a paper for submission at the symposium. Please substantiate your comment on originalty of work presented in the manuscript, and appropriately mention suspected sources of plagiarism as "Comments to Program Chair". Motivating and serious feedback on the work presented in the manuscript is highly encouraged and reviewers are suggested to fill in the "Comments to Authors" section.
Blind reviewing requirements
Blind reviewing is an essential part of IEEE TechSym 2014. Authors are asked to take reasonable efforts to hide their identities, including not listing their names or affiliations and omitting acknowledgments. This information will be included during camera ready submission. Reviewers are also requested to make all efforts to keep their identity invisible to the authors. Refrain from saying, "you should have cited my paper from 2006!"
Submit your reviews
If you save your review as a draft, it is visible only to you. You can access your draft review form by clicking on the same "Add" link. To make the review visible to the Technical Program Committee, click on the "Submit" button in the review form.
Ranking of Reviewed Submissions
Once you've reviewed the papers, you can rank them (the first being the best in your batch). In the "Paper Reviews and Discussions" page, click on "Edit Ranks" near the top of the page. In the "Edit Paper Ranks" page, click on the "Start Ranking" link for the papers. Use the "Move Up" and "Move Down" to adjust the ranks. Remember to click on the "Save Changes" button.
Important Dates
Late Breaking Research Submission: |
Regular Paper Submission: |
Acceptance Notification: |
Late Registration: |
Late Breaking Research Registration: ![]() |
Camera Ready Submission: |
Symposium: |