Activities (2014 - Till Date)
Membership Promotion
IEEE's mission involves fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE EMBS was thus started in 1952 for the purpose of promoting the application of applied sciences and technologies in medicine and biology.
Our chapter activities focus on highlighting the importance of involving engineering aspects to bring about more effectiveness and sustainability in medical sciences and healthcare. We thus propose to encourage members from a wide variety of disciplines to participate in our events as well as to contribute their innovative ideas by becoming members themselves. IEEE EMBS members get the distinct privilege of obtaining information about the latest conferences and workshops being held in various parts of the world as well as an added advantage of reduced registration fees in various workshops and conferences on account of their membership.
To promote our chapter, we had organized a few membership promotion sessions in which we spoke about the importance of being a part of professional organization, their benefits. Since last year, till date, we have organized 5 sessions for the following batches.
B.Tech Biomedical Engineering - 2012-2016 Batch
B.Tech Biomedical Engineering - 2013-2017 Batch
B.Tech Biomedical Engineering - 2014-2018 Batch
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering - 2013-2015 Batch
M.Tech Biomedical Engineering - 2014-2016 Batch
We are in planning to extend the membership to other colleges in south India. Some of the colleges that we have shortlisted are:
- GITAM University, Vizag
- Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad
- Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Promoting Biomedical education has been one of the main motto of our chapter. We have been organizing several talks, each of which were presided over by highly skilled professional who shared their experiences and imparted knowledge to our students. We have monthly sessions of tech-talks, wherein the interested members gather to discuss articles from Spectrum and Pulse, which had grabbed their attention.
Event Date: 24th July 2014
Venue: SMV Smart Class room, VIT University
Description:The event was an interactive seminar about writing a research paper. Dr. S. Ghosh, a senior professor at VIT University who is known worldwide for his exceptional work in various fields, enlightened all the students about the elementary nuances of writing a research paper. He spoke about peer reviewed international journals and explained the method which experts use to verify what has been stated in the paper. The doubt regarding which journal to publish in was also cleared. He enlightened everyone on the tough task of choosing the best journal; this included the different categories of journals and their impact factor. ISI indexing and citation were also explained. He illustrated his experiences with Stephen Hawking, his department head, to the audience. He shared ideas and gave tips on planning the research paper and how keywords are helpful in catching the eye of the reviewer. He showed a proper example of a research paper (his own publication). He emphasized the importance of a Rebuttal letter (a letter thanking the referees for their comments on the paper). His advice on the topic was very helpful to the students who look forward to present papers in highly reputed journals, in the near future.
Participation: Approximately 200-300 people.

Event Date: 23rd September 2014
Venue: SMV smart class
Description:The seminar was presided over by a VIT, SBST faculty Prof. J. B. Jeeva, where she addressed the students on different imaging modalities being used today. It underlined the basic methodologies used in acquiring, processing and displaying the data in techniques like X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), followed by Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine. It was a very informative and interesting session as the professor used illustrative diagrams to explain the imaging processes. She also used descriptive images to point out the differences between a normal and an afflicted organ shown in the results of imaging techniques, which piqued the interest of many. Questions were entertained throughout the session and none felt the complexity of the topic being discussed. This gave all a very tiny but promising glance into the vast subject of medical imaging techniques.

Event Date: 19th February 2015
Venue: SMV 209 (Smart Classroom)
Description:The event aimed to provide information regarding patents to the students who are the upcoming scientists. Mr. Thirumalai gave an insight to what patents are about, how are they are different from IPRs or trademarks.
The event was opened by Riya Tripathi, a core committee member of IEEE-EMBS. She introduced the guest speaker. Mr. Meiyazhagan did his B.Tech in ECE from Anna University, Coimbatore. He specializes in Intellectual Property Rights in the fields of Electric, Electronic and Mechanical. This was followed by an introduction from Dheeraj D. Gudluru. This was followed by the commencement of a PowerPoint Presentation by Mr.Thirumalai. The professor talked about intellectual properties, patents, copyrights, intellectual designs and their functionality. He talked about various types of IPRs- geographical, trade secrets. Questions were asked by the audience. The vote of thanks was given by Dheeraj.

Professional Development
Biomedical Engineering is a rapidly developing branch of engineering, in which new devices, technologies are coming up every now and then. To be able to understand these latest technologies, and also implement the knowledge in designing new devices, the students need to hone their professional skills. By organizing workshops and discussion forums, we aim to instill creativity in engineering, thus encouraging innovation in Biomedical Engineering and thus help them to become better professionals. Our professional development activities would include:
Software workshops: Solidworks 3D Modelling, digital signal and image processing using MATLAB, virtual instrumentation, data acquisition software - LabVIEW, simulation softwares like PSpice, Keil Vision software(in computer aided machine for interfacing microcontrollers);
Hardware workshops: Designing simple biomedical instruments like pulse oximeter, ECG, EMG setups.
Event Date: 26thSeptember 2014
Venue: CBMR 205(Smart Classroom)
Description:The workshop taught the students the basics of creating artificial organs and transplants. It was held in three sessions. The first session was a guest lecture on stem cells, by Dr. R.V. Shaji, a scientist from the Stem Cell Research Centre in CMC-Vellore. He also spoke about how stem cells are used to make artificial organs. This session was followed by an interactive software session, where Ms. Ranjitha Rebecca Jeevan, a PhD student from VIT-Vellore, introduced the ANSYS software to the students. This software is used to design the structure of artificial organs. Students were able to understand the features of this software and also design stents by themselves. The last session was a hands-on session where the students were taught to build a circuit that mimics the working of an artificial limb. This session was led by Kunal Jog of VIT-Vellore. Students were asked to team up to make the circuit together and learn how it works. This session was concluded by a game where a cash prize was given to the team that correctly identified the switches to be turned on and off for respective actions of the limb. The sessions were concluded by giving a memento to each of the speakers. This workshop was interesting and educational to students from various branches and courses.
Event Date: 8- 9nd March 2013
Venue: Kamraj Auditorium (TT)
Description:Techsym’14 was a two day conference that included different sessions of seminars, a medical hackathon and open discussions. We had a number of speakers who commenced the seminars. Dr. Atam Dhawan shared his knowledge regarding his extensive research in the field of Translational medicine. His lecture focused on the recent trends in the field of translational medicine. Dr. Kumar Rajamani shared his knowledge on Medical imaging. His lecture was primarily based on the applications of Medical Imaging. He focussed on the wide scale applications of radiology, radiography and the various medical imaging techniques. Dr. K. Rajan shared his knowledge in the field of Diffuse Optical Tomography, Ultrasound Modulated Diffused Optical Tomography, Medical Imaging and the various aspects of subjects like Digital Signal Processors and Applications. He also enlightened us on the various ways by which the standards and quality of healthcare can be improved in the society with the knowledge of such subjects. Dr. Soma Biswas enlightened the people regarding the various ways of using computing codes and programming in the field of biomedical engineering sciences. Dr. Bhaskar Mohan Murari, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at VIT University enlightened us regarding the scope that biomedical engineering has in India and abroad. Other speakers who attended the conference were Mr. Sudeendra Koushik, Dr V. Pramitha, Hrushikesh Garud.

Community Service
When we club Biomedical engineering and community service together, the list is endless and priceless. An expert Biomedical engineer having a will to help, can in unfathomable ways uplift the society.
As a part of our community service activities we visit schools for handicaps, orphanages, interact with the kids, understand what they need, and use our technical skills to help them, upgrade their present lifestyle. After all, that is what, rehabilitation engineering is about. There is never going to be anything more heartening or endearing than doing our bit for the society, in our own way.
One of the regular chapter activities is imparting science education to the government run or aided local primary school students after school hours, two days per week. The children who come to study there are from economically backward background; they need proper nutrition, love and care in addition to education. The government supplies for their formal education and nutrition facilities. The chapter members teach science through various activities, games and in the form of stories.
Social Activities
“Individuals who do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together “ is exactly the way we do not work… because of our crew who always teem with pioneering ideas. Interaction among the members with the core and the professionals as a whole makes us a great team.
Lectures, audio-visuals, demonstrations, reading and practice are the elementary sub segments of a learning pyramid but all goes in vain if there is no ‘discussion’. As the flow of energy in an ecosystem makes it stable similarly flow of knowledge via interactions and discussions makes a learning system stable. This is what made us strongly think that social fun time activities should become an integral part of our chapter that can help us brainstorm and evaluate the potential of our brains.
Event Date: 28th March 2014
Venue: SMV smart class
Description:The purpose of the event was to test the abilities of the audience to connect the pieces of scientific phenomenon and discoveries with that of the images they were shown. The participants were expected to learn about ideas on how to relate the discoveries with real life, further stimulating their reasoning ability. The event was split into two rounds. Each round dealt with showing the participants some images with increasing difficulty for about 30 seconds. They were expected to link the image with its respected phenomenon or discovery. The participants with maximum number of correct answers were declared winners. With this event we expected the participants to brush up their knowledge on basic facts and to become vigilant towards observing the logic hidden in things around them.

Communication with members is one of our regular activity which we accomplish via Facebook groups. We manage different groups in facebook which enable us to be pass on information about our student chapter activities or important alerts to all the members and even public who follow us.
Our communication activities include:
Website: www.ieee.org/go/embsvit
This website is updated regularly and contains all information about our chapter activities, important IEEE & EMBS links, News alerts and latest news in the field of medicine and biology.
Website Statistics for the year 2014» (Provided by Google Analytics)
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/IEEE.EMBS.VIT
We strive our best to keep all members on track of our activities and latest advancements in Biomedical Engineering.
Email Subscription: All the EMBS members are subscribed to our mails by default. Public can also subscribe to our Email alerts. We will forward all the important alerts and other chapter updates.
Email Id: embsvit@ieee.org.
Future Plans
1) Collaboration with other EMBS student chapters and few companies.
2) Trips to Biomedical companies.
3) Host IEEE EMBS Student Conference on Biomedical Engineering.
4) Hackathon on wearables for better healthcare.