Upcoming Events
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Event Date: 11th September 2016
Venue: SMV 209(Smart Classroom)
Description:Presenting "Nano- Biotechnology" Workshop conducted by IEEE-EMBS. The workshop will be held for a span of 4 hours, whereby Dr. Padma Thyagrajan and Dr. Jayanthi Abraham shall be delivering lectures and carrying out the necessary demonstrations.
The registration fee is Rs. 300 only which can be paid at any of the Gravitas registration desks.
Event Date: 17-18th September 2016
Venue: SMV 216
Description:Tired of your mundane life? Sick of the theories, assignments, papers and projects? So much so that your eyes cross and the words start swimming.
But this Gravitas we can prove that learning can be fun!! We have the perfect blend of science, art and action. IEEE-EMBS presents you BIO STREAKING, the workshop that'll let you both sides of your brain. A workshop to use science artistically!!
Streaking is an important technique to isolate bacteria!! But, isolating those petty microorganisms cannot get much more fun than this.
The steps are simple - Learn to streak. Streak. Streak creatively. Go home with prizes. Yep, as simple as that!!
Registration Fee: Rs. 200/- per head.
Past Events
Event Date: 28th September 2014
Venue: CBMR 205 (Smart Classroom)
Description:The workshop taught the students the basics of creating artificial organs and transplants. It was held in three sessions. The first session was a guest lecture on stem cells, by Dr. R.V. Shaji, a scientist from the Stem Cell Research Centre in CMC-Vellore. He also spoke about how stem cells are used to make artificial organs. This session was followed by an interactive software session, where Ms. Ranjitha Rebecca Jeevan, a PhD student from VIT-Vellore, introduced the ANSYS software to the students. This software is used to design the structure of artificial organs. Students were able to understand the features of this software and also design stents by themselves. The last session was a hands-on session where the students were taught to build a circuit that mimics the working of an artificial limb. This session was led by Kunal Jog of VIT-Vellore. Students were asked to team up to make the circuit together and learn how it works. This session was concluded by a game where a cash prize was given to the team that correctly identified the switches to be turned on and off for respective actions of the limb. The sessions were concluded by giving a memento to each of the speakers. This workshop was interesting and educational to students from various branches and courses.
Event Date: 23rd September 2014
Venue: SMV 209(Smart Classroom)
Description:The seminar was presided over by a VIT, SBST faculty Prof. J. B. Jeeva, where she addressed the students on different imaging modalities being used today. It underlined the basic methodologies used in acquiring, processing and displaying the data in techniques like X-ray, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), followed by Ultrasound and Nuclear Medicine. It was a very informative and interesting session as the professor used illustrative diagrams to explain the imaging processes. She also used descriptive images to point out the differences between a normal and an afflicted organ shown in the results of imaging techniques, which piqued the interest of many. Questions were entertained throughout the session and none felt the complexity of the topic being discussed. This gave all a very tiny but promising glance into the vast subject of medical imaging techniques.
Event Date: 24th July 2014
Venue: SMV 209(Smart Classroom)
Description:The event was an interactive seminar about writing a research paper. Dr. S. Ghosh, a senior professor at VIT University who is known worldwide for his exceptional work in various fields, enlightened all the students about the elementary nuances of writing a research paper. He spoke about peer reviewed international journals and explained the method which experts use to verify what has been stated in the paper. The doubt regarding which journal to publish in was also cleared. He enlightened everyone on the tough task of choosing the best journal; this included the different categories of journals and their impact factor. ISI indexing and citation were also explained. He illustrated his experiences with Stephen Hawking, his department head, to the audience. He shared ideas and gave tips on planning the research paper and how keywords are helpful in catching the eye of the reviewer. He showed a proper example of a research paper (his own publication). He emphasized the importance of a Rebuttal letter (a letter thanking the referees for their comments on the paper). His advice on the topic was very helpful to the students who look forward to present papers in highly reputed journals, in the near future.
Event Date: 28th March 2014
Venue: SMV 123
Description:The purpose of the event was to test the abilities of the audience to connect the pieces of scientific phenomenon and discoveries with that of the images they were shown. The participants were expected to learn about ideas on how to relate the discoveries with real life, further stimulating their reasoning ability. The event was split into two rounds. Each round dealt with showing the participants some images with increasing difficulty for about 30 seconds. They were expected to link the image with its respected phenomenon or discovery. The participants with maximum number of correct answers were declared winners. With this event we expected the participants to brush up their knowledge on basic facts and to become vigilant towards observing the logic hidden in things around them.
Event Date: 29th January 2014
Venue: CBMR 205(Smart Classroom)
Description:This event was an interactive session/seminar, about a documentation software called LATEX. Dr. Nadipi Reddy Prabhav, faculty member of SBST, enlightened all the students/PhD scholars about this software, and its appropriate use. Dr.Prabhav made the session very interesting, by demonstrating its usage right in front of the audience on his own works. The audience was at ease in understanding the concepts as Dr. Prabhav did not enter into the depths of coding, but in fact taught the students, how to use preset templates to their advantage. He made it even more interesting, by showing the development of his own research paper as one of the examples. This event was concluded by presenting a memento to Dr. Prabhav by Dr. Bhaskar Mohan Murari, the Program Manager of the Biomedical Engineering Department. This event was very informative, and helpful to students of all levels.
Event Date: 28th January 2014
Venue: Video Conference Hall, Periyar EVR Central Library, VIT University
Description:The event commenced with IEEE giving an overview of the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. They showed the students how to use the latest features to find the best papers by using the new “Sort by most cited” option. Salient points including methods to conduct a comprehensive literature review on various areas of interests were taken up along with topics such as enhanced online support, reading a scientific paper in an interactive html format, improved browsing options, discussing various resources available for authors and many others. The first two sessions dealt with the registered candidates giving the online quiz, the results of which were declared along with the winner in the evening. Along with that, IEEE gave all the registered candidates, information based on the methods to use the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Attendees were rewarded with IEEE goodies and Certificate Of appreciation from IEEE.
Event Date: 17th October 2013
Venue: SMV smart class
Description:Mr. T. Sudhakar, who is the Quality and Siebel Functional Leader for GE Healthcare, Bangalore and has over 23 years of industrial experience focused on medical electronics and instrumentation, enlightened us about Ultrasound Imaging.
The session started off with Mr. Sudhakar imparting knowledge on Ultrasound and its applications. He gave quite a lot of information on capturing images, Doppler Effect, Color Flow Mapping and various Ultrasound features. His lectures were enhanced by the images for identification of anomalies in a human body and also differentiated in old and new models of the machines and the probes that it used. The session was wrapped up with a question-answer session, wherein our speaker cleared the various doubts rising in the minds of the audience. He also shed some light on an area that is of concern,- the increasing gap between what the Industry requires and what Academia provides.
Event Date: 1st October 2013
Venue: SMV smart class
Description:IEEE Day is celebrated on October 1st every year. In VIT we celebrated IEEE Day along with the other IEEE chapters in the campus. Different chapters teamed up to organize different events. IEEE EMBS, PCS and EDS collaborated to organize a mind boggling event-TechnoBattle. Held in SMV’s smart classroom on the same day, TechnoBattle comprised of two technical rounds-one being the Sudoku solving round and the other being a crossword solving round. In the first round the teams of 2 were given to solve a Sudoku, within a time span of half an hour. The qualifying teams ascended to the second round- Crossword solving round. In this round the members of a team had to compete one another in finding answers from the hints and putting them on the crossword board, yet again, in half hour time.The event was highly successful and IEEE EMBS received great inputs from the participants and other IEEE chapters in the campus.
Event Date: 18th September 2013
Venue: SMV 101 & 102
Description:IEEE-EMBS VIT chapter organized an informal fun event “Orgatronics”.The event started off with 10 teams competing with each other in the first round which was electronic circuit making. The rules and regulations of the first round was explained, followed by a brief introduction on basic electronic circuit designing and components. Seven teams qualified for the second round which was a quiz round; 4 teams emerged successfully from this round within a short time span and qualified for the third and the final round of organ puzzle.Two teams built the correct organ system and received the first and the second prize.As per the positive feedbacks we received at the end of the event at 8pm and the vibrant and enthusiastic lot of students who participated in this event, it was clear that Orgatronics was a success.
Event Date: 4thSeptember 2013
Venue: SMV 101 & 102
Description:MANDARK” is an initiative by the IEEE EMBS VIT chapter, which provides a base for research work and can help bring to life, all the creative ideas presented by the students. The student’s would be guided by well-established members of the VIT faculty, all of whom are well equipped to guide the student’s to the best of their abilities. The first step is to prove yourself worthy of a berth in this exclusive research oriented program was an entrance test, which was designed to evaluate the student’s credibility in his/her choice of interest. Thus the test paper pattern was as follows, it had a compulsory aptitude section followed by the optional part, which comprised of basic life science, electronics, mechanics and computer science. The event, as was expected, received a good turnover of participants, all from varying branches and academic programs- from B.Tech 1st years to M.Tech students as well.
Event Date: 13nd April 2013
Description:Prof. Dr. Prabhav Reddy introduced the students to the concept of demystifying complicated circuits. He began with some basic circuits which all the students were familiar with. Gradually he moved onto the functions and applications of the various electronic components like amplifiers and filters and guided the students as to how the amplifiers and filters can be assembled onto a circuit. Then he moved on to explain how a complicated circuit can be simplified so that it is comprehensible. He pointed out that this could be accomplished by disintegrating the circuit into blocks where, each block represents a particular function such as pre-processing, filtering, amplifying, etc. This was done by taking an example of an arm prosthesis- myoelectric arm. He explained as to how it can be divided into blocks such as filtering, amplification, controller, etc. and how by integrating all the aforementioned blocks, the myoelectric arm can be realized.
Event Date: 22nd March 2013
Venue: Tifac Core (TT)
Description:The Technology Information, Forecasting and assessment council (TIFAC) of the Department of Science and technology focuses on attaining Global Leadership. It has launched mission REACH (Relevance & Excellence in ACHieving new heights in educational institutions) programme in the year 2000. So when IEEE EMBS VIT chapter collaborated with TIFAC Core@ VIT, the outcome was bound to be ‘Legen-(wait-for-it)-dary’, especially when IEEE EMBS had waivered a part of the workshop fee for the IEEE EMBS members.
What is LabVIEW?
National Instrument’s LabVIEW is an user friendly, interactive, graphical programming language that helps users write sophisticated programs and applications in a shorter amount of time without needing a computer science degree. It provides hands-on learning to the classroom, enhances research applications, fosters the next generation of innovators and also help students get jobs at thousands of companies around the world. In other words, LabVIEW is a development environment for problem solving, accelerated productivity, and continual innovation. It helps engineers scale from design to test and from small to large systems. It offers unprecedented integration with existing legacy software, IP, and hardware while capitalizing on the latest computing technologies.
Why is LabVIEW essential for Biomedical Engineers?
One can acquire real world and real-time biomedical data by using biomedical sensors and National Instruments hardware or import biomedical data files from the Physiobank MIT-BIH database, to the applications in this kit for analysis. Thereafter one can use the applications in Biomedical Workbench of LabVIEW ( a toolkit dedicated to Biomedical applications) to extract features from ECG, EEG and other physiological signals, to analyze various physiological parameters.
The LabVIEW Workshop for Biomedical Engineers we organized:
The workshop was handled by Dr. K. Ganesan, (Director TIFAC Core and senior professor SITE, VIT), Ms D. Shalini and Mr R Silambarasan ( Senior Development Engineers, TIFAC Core VIT). We had internal and external participants ( both students and industry professional) taking part to learn, share and develop their technical skills. Apart from our students from VIT university, we had participants from Rajlakshmi Engineering college, Jerualem College of Engineering, National Engineering College, Annamacharya institute of Technology and Sciences, K.G medical hospitals who attended this 2 day workshop.
The topics covered during the workshop were:
The participants of this workshop were very enthusiastic and we got an overwhelming response from both our external and internal participants. The professionals from TIFAC Core also promised to assist and guide our students whenever they need any help with regards to LabVIEW. TIFAC Core is known for their dedication to technology and education and a relation we started with them through this workshop will enrich knowledge and nourish professionalism in our students. We hope to conduct such workshops in collaboration with TIFAC Core in the future too.
Event Date: 5th March 2013
Venue: SMV 209 (Smart Classroom)
Description: Swissnex is an initiative of the Swiss Government. Each Swissnex promotes public-private ventures. Partners, donors and sponsors provide vital financial support. Swissnex India connects India and Switzerland and offers the following:
• Exposure to new ideas and projects from Switzerland and India
• Visibility for Swiss and Swiss-based research, science, companies, and art at the interface of technology
• Support of international relations of Swiss universities
• Networking opportunities with highly educated and technology-savvy peers
• Targeted introductions and access to a network of academic and business leaders
• Workspace and infrastructure
• Open innovation and benchmarking
• Transdisciplinary public and private events
• Press outreach
• Study tours and organized visits
• Independent analysis
The representatives from Swissnex India, apart from the discourse they gave on how to collaborate with any Swiss institution for higher studies, research, entrepreneurship, etc, also provided our students with booklets containing detailed information about the various universities in Switzerland where one can apply for higher studies.
Thinking about Switzerland in aspects apart from the sapid Swiss chocolates and cheese, the picturesque majestic Alps, the much debated 9 as per Indian politicians and economy) Swiss bank, was not only refreshing but informative and interesting as well. The Swissnex representatives interacted with our students and answered their queries in the post-presentation discussion session.
Event Date: Thursday, 28th February 2013
Venue: SMV-209 (Smart Classroom)
Description:“GUIDELINES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN GERMANY” was a special guest lecture by Dr. I. Manjubala senior professor (SBST), organized by IEEE-EMBS VIT Student’s chapter on the 28th of February’13 at SMV smart classroom, VIT. It aimed at clarifying the doubts or misconceptions that students were possibly nurturing regarding pursuing higher education in Germany. Dr. Manjubala enlightened the students on how to choose University, how to apply to it, the course structure and system and complete duration of the course and most importantly the fees structure and general expenditure. The student turn out for this event was exceptionally good. By the end of the session the audience was deeply satisfied, thus fulfilling the purpose of the event and making it a success.
IEEE-EMBS VIT Student’s chapter organized a special guest lecture by Dr. Manjubala I. – senior professor (SBST) - on “GUIDELINES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN GERMANY”. It was conducted on the 28th of February’13 and aimed at clarifying any doubts or misconceptions that students were possibly nurturing about pursuing higher education abroad. The lecture was organized to help students get the basic ideas straight. Dr. Manjubala spoke on the choice of University, applying for it, the course structure and system and complete duration of the course and most importantly the fees structure and general expenditure. By the end of the session the audience was deeply satisfied with the speech and its contents. Thus, the basic idea of the event was met.
Event Date: 28th September 2012
Venue: CBMR 206 (Smart Classroom)
Description: Dr. Mary Butler, who flew down to India from New Zealand and fortunate for us, also decided to visit VIT University. She is a practicing Occupational Therapist and also a Senior Professor from the School of Occupational Therapy, Otago Polytechnic and Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago. She enlightened us with her experiences in occupational therapy. She shared with us a few examples from her abundant supply of experiences with different patients. As biomedical engineering students we were aware of rehabilitation engineering from a design point of view, however, Dr. Mary Butler presented to us the clinical perspective of situations. This also helped students develop a view that in more inclined towards social awareness.
Event Date: 26th September 2012
Venue: SMV 209 (Smart Classroom)
Description: The presence of a publication on an undergraduate student’s resume is a prestigious accomplishment. However, most B-tech students are intimidated by the mere thought of research papers. IEEE-EMBS decided to tackle this issue; we organized a session on ‘Unraveling Research Papers’ on 26th September 2012. We invited Dr. Prof. Satyajit Ghosh to enlighten us on this topic. He is a senior professor, Environment Division, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University and also an Associate Member of the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK. He has innumerous esteemed achievements and is truly an embodiment of not only the highest level of scientific expertise but also music and literature.
Quoting Paulo Coelho and Shelley to get his points across, he made writing research papers seem like an art. He conveyed important aspects that a student should keep in mind: the necessity of lucid language, the specific technical terms involved and the target audience. In addition he emphasized on how to select a suitable guide, a journal with an appropriate impact factor and the process of peer review that follows. Students in the audience, who were from a range of engineering streams, asked several questions at the end of this very informative session.
Event Date: Friday, 14th September 2012
Venue: Smart classroom, CDMM
Description: Sixth Sense was an event conducted by our chapter in VIT’s Technical Fest, Gravitas. It put to test the abilities of the participants for designing sensors that can function in a manner similar to the 5 senses of the human body. Registrations were done in teams of three and topics were given soon after. The first round was an eliminating round that was based on the design abstracts submitted online. Two faculty members were consulted to select abstracts based on feasibility of the design. Twenty teams were notified through email about their succession into the next round. During Gravitas, the second round took place where a new problem statement was given on spot and the team had to formulate a design within a time limit. Only five teams were short-listed, based on their sensor design’s uniqueness and feasibility. In the final round, each of these five teams had a chance to present their sensor design to the panel of judges and had 3-5 minutes to convince them. Based on the design, answers to the questions asked and overall performance, the top 3 teams were selected.
Event Date: Monday, 30th July 2012
Venue: Technology Tower, Gallery 1
Description: Function started off with a felicitation by Dr. Anilkumar Gopinathan, Director, School of Biosciences and Technology. Then Dr. Bhaskar Mohan Murari, Chapter Advisor and the Division Leader of Biomedical Engineering introduced and installed the office bearers of the IEEE EMBS student chapter.
Our first speaker was Dr. Ponmurugan, Head of department of Biotechnology at K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode. This was followed by the inauguration of our chapter by Dr. Santhanaraj B, IEEE EMBS Chair, Madras section. Next, Major V.V.Chandrasekhar, Students Activity Chair and Secretary, IEEE Madras Section, explained the several benefits of IEEE-EMBS membership.
Lastly, Shruti Narasimhan, final year student of Biomedical Engineering, recipient of GE fellowship, shared her experience in the workshop at GE’s John F. Welch Technology Centre in Bangalore.
Event Date: Wednesday, 18th April 2012
Venue: SMV 209 (Smart Classroom)
Description: Lecture, on the topic of “Rehabilitation Engineering” given by Dr. Suresh Devasahayam, HOD, Bioengineering Department and a Phd candidate working under his guidance at Christian Medical College, Bagayam campus, Vellore, India. Dr. Devasahayam spoke about the various scopes and advancements in Rehabilitation Engineering and elaborated on the role of Biomedical Engineering in a hospital setting. He and role of signal shed light upon gait analysis acquisition and processing in it and the use of control systems and human-machine interfaces in development of locomotive devices. The Phd candidate enlightened the audience on his research work on rehabilitation of the Urinary Bladder Sphincter. The lecture lasted for 90 minutes followed by an interactive Q&A session and a vote of thanks.
Event Date: Monday, 19th March, 2012
Venue: CBMR 206 (Smart Classroom)
Description: EMBS had organized its first event. It was a ice-breaking session, aimed at maximizing the interaction among EMBS members. Event started off with a presentation on IEEE and its prospects. The second phase was a brainstorming session; we had divided the members into groups of 3; then we showed them images of some devices and circuits related to Biomedical Engineering and each group had to identify them and write down the answers. The top 5teams were coalesced with the bottom 5 teams and then began the 2nd round. The 2nd round was a spelling bee. The final round was "taboo", where one member from each team had to pick up a card and describe to his/her team-mates the device mentioned in the card, without speaking aloud certain associated terms listed on the card. The winning team members (the main group and the supporting group) were given gifts.