IEEE Magazines

Spectrum is a four-time winner of the National Magazine Award, and the publication consistently rated as the number one benefit of membership in the IEEE.

From the first publication of the Spectrum Magazine until the latestone, we can see the improvement and the diversity of the content. It never fails to inform the readers about the latest development in the field of electrical and electrical engineering and at the same time enlighten the members about what is happening in IEEE.

As a member of IEEE, you'll get an issue of Spectrum Magazine every month for the duration of your subscription periods. It is valid from January to December of your current membership year.

Besides that, enclosed with the magazine is the IEEE newsletter with up to date news about IEEE. This magazine is a compliment as long as you are an IEEE members. It is very expensive if it were to be bought outside at newstands. Inside the magazine is where you'll find interesting news about the current technology, development and job happenings.

Some portion of the articles in the Spectrum Magazine can be viewed from the World Wide Web. Vast preceding Spectrum Magazine articles can also be obtained from collection of Spectrum Magazine official webpage.

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Skudai, Johore, Malaysia. 2005