Page 13 - SE_Approach_for MSEE_MSCE_Capstone_15_Page_review2
P. 13
2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

U.S., and between 37 and 47 percent of households have a dog. The following is a narrative
portion from the student’s formal report:

“Some of the most common reasons people give away their dogs is that their place of
residence does not allow pets, they don’t have time to take care of the dogs, or there are
behavioral issues. Behavioral issues and a lack of time for the dogs can be linked
together, as behavioral issues often arise from a dog being left alone for extended periods
of time. One particularly frustrating behavioral issue is destructive chewing. Chewing is a
normal thing which dogs do to help relieve anxiety, frustration, and boredom, but this can
be very frustrating to owners when dogs decide to chew up the furniture or one’s favorite
shoes. One of the issues which can lead to destructive chewing is when a dog does not get
enough physical and mental stimulation. A bored dog may decide to chew up something
which he should not, so a non-destructive alternative needs to be available for the dog.
There are many chew toys which are available for this purpose, but dogs will often lose
interest in such toys quickly, and revert to chewing on things they ought not. A better
solution is needed.”
Figure 3 shows a subsystem block diagram of the Auto-Fetch System and student depiction of
the project. He self-taught himself on the use of CAD software for this project. Table 9 shows
the student’s proposed test plan and protocol that matches the stated requirements for this
system. The student performed Matlab/Simulink models and learned about curve fitting
techniques to gauge the performance of the launch mechanism.

3-D Printed Quadcopter. During 2014, Professor Santiago wanted to encourage students to start
thinking about their project early before enrolling in the capstone course. In late 2014 and in one
of Professor Santiago’s graduate classes, he described some of the IEEE projects from the CTU
student branch, including showing videos how a team of quadcopters working together to
perform athletic feats from University of Pennsylvania and a Swiss Federal Institute of

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