Page 11 - SE_Approach_for MSEE_MSCE_Capstone_15_Page_review2
P. 11
2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

Examples of Student Deliverables to Assess System-Level Thinking

The deliverables associated with the course emphasizes the typical processes and similar
documents that a student will likely encounter in a large engineering project found in
government or in the defense industry. These documents are: mission need statement, system-
level requirements and specifications, technical proposal, cost proposal, test and evaluation plan,
preliminary design review (PDR), critical design review (CDR) and final technical report. The
weekly deliverables attempt to increase the awareness of documentation needed in a typical
government contract.

Table 5 lists examples of capstone projects that
followed the system engineering approach.
Snapshots of student deliverables from these
projects serve as samples of the system
engineering and thinking process. The
following deliverables are some of the many
examples to illustrate students’ attempts to
develop a system engineering mindset to find
an opportunity and to fill a need or market

Bulk SMS software for Kenyan Schools. To demonstrate and meet a need, one MSCE student
developed a Short Message Service (SMS) software for Kenyan school systems. In Kenya,
there is a lack of effective communication between the school and parents, such as an awareness
of student progress in a course. The graduate
student proposed to design and implement a
SMS-based communication system for the
schools, with the overall goal of enhancing
communication from the school to parents, staff,
governing boards and students. The functional
and non-functional requirements for the
application are listed in Table 6 and acceptance
test plan listed in Table 7. The system intends to
ease processing of examination results, track
student fees and provide important SMS alerts to
parents or any selected group, concerning
student progress and well-being, or any other
school related issues.

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2016
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