Page 8 - SE_Approach_for MSEE_MSCE_Capstone_15_Page_review2
P. 8
2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

specifying any particular hardware or implementation. At this point, the student should focus on
‘what’ the system must do and not on ‘how’ to implement the system solution.

Week 5: Block Requirements, Interface and Review. Students must identify major blocks, or
subsystems which will help build the product solution. Students need to answer questions about
each of the major areas (or subsystem) of implementation. They must review the guidelines for
good requirements and allocate the system functions to the various subsystems. The student
must consider: system and subsystem level of requirements/specifications, a system and
subsystem level tests, and interface specifications.

Week 6: Preliminary Design Review (PDR). The PDR should include all of the information to
date, as well as identifying critical issues necessary to finish the project:

 Definition of the product, requirements/specifications, and the acceptance demonstration
that the student intends to provide

 Fundamental subsystem blocks of the system, and details of signal inputs and outputs
between the subsystem blocks

 Alternate product implementations which were rejected
 Proposed solutions to individual subsystem block performance requirements

Week 7: Block Details, Details of Interface Block. The student’s activity report should include
further details of their interface blocks down to the component level. The student must discuss
how the different components of the subsystem relate to each other, and how they work
internally. The student needs to update revised acceptance tests and any other revisions based on
the PDR.

Week 8: Assess Preparation for Critical Design Review and Design Options. The student must
review items completed during the previous weeks before their demonstration in Week 11. In
addition, the student must identify and provide further research into the technical choices in the
system design and then provide theory and data to support the choice of the best system.

Week 9: Justified Options and Details of Control. The student must support their selected
design among the options that were researched. The student should include any details of control
Details of control means to describe the student’s proposed functional and system architecture in
their system final configuration down to the component level of implementation.

Week 10: Preparation for Critical Design Review and Outline of Oral Presentation to
Engineering Faculty. The student meets with instructor to discuss preparation for
CDR presentation and demonstration. The discussion must include:

 The product description and must identify users, environment, benefits and performance
 Specifications that will include the items to be measured to demonstrate the product does

what was promised, and the test plan protocol which defines "pass" for each requirement.
 Review of the acceptance test protocol
 Demonstration of the product, in hardware or modeling to show performance and quality

of propose product for the final oral presentation

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