Page 3 - SE_Approach_for MSEE_MSCE_Capstone_15_Page_review2
P. 3
2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

Specifically, by the end of the course, each student will demonstrate the ability to:

 Frame an ill-defined engineering problem and define appropriate requirements that the
solution must satisfy.
 Design and implement a test protocol to verify that the designed system meets the defined
 Design and/or model a system to meet the defined requirements.
 Integrate skills, concepts, and/or tools acquired in prerequisite coursework and apply the
same to successfully complete the project.
 Independently acquire any additional skills, concepts, and/or tools necessary for
successful project completion.
 Communicate regularly with the faculty mentor and keep a journal of all work completed
in the project.
 Communicate the results of the project to peers and mentors through an oral presentation
and a technical report.

Table 2 lists the key activities and deliverables for the 11-week capstone course and student
deliverables required for successful completion of the course. A weekly description of the
system engineering and technical activities are given later in this paper. The table also shows
typical percentage weights for the Project Plan and Journal (22.5%), Systems-Level Thinking
and Communications (47.5%) and Technical Merit (30%). Students must take an ill-defined
problem and follow a system
engineering approach to bring
their system solution into being.

Before getting into details of the
weekly description of student
deliverables or activities
summarized in Table 2, the next
section provides several motives
for using system engineering
concepts in the capstone course.

Why Apply System
Engineering Concepts?

The authors have taught several graduate several courses in electrical, computer and system
engineering. Consequently, one key reason why the engineering faculty wanted to adopt a
system engineering approach is to have students developed a systems thinking or holistic
perspective. Also, since the local area of the Colorado Springs campus has a heavy military
presence, the course deliverables incorporating system engineering concepts are ones that the
student will likely encounter in a defense- or government-oriented company while emphasizing
the need and importance on improving written and oral communications skills.

When advising students, some students, prefer to take system engineering over project
management based on their past experience. Consequently, project management courses found
in the graduate programs are often substituted with system engineering courses. The rationale

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