Page 7 - SE_Approach_for MSEE_MSCE_Capstone_15_Page_review2
P. 7
2016 ASEE Rocky Mountain Section Conference

The student must meet with the customer or instructor to discuss the expectations, course
requirements as well as being prepared to discuss the ideas more fully. By the end of this week,
a proposed product should be chosen by the student.

Week 2: Justification of Need Plus Project Plan and Resource. The student should
have discussed their proposed project with the professor by this week. What is now needed is a
review of the following:

 Problem that needs to be solved.
 People who will be impacted
 Proposed product description, and
 Acceptable system or product performance and behavior

Specifically, the student needs to include in a research of proposed solutions and how it will
impact the people and companies. The questions the student needs to answer are: Who is
affected? What are their needs? What additional information does this provide about
constraints? After answering those questions, students need to think about what proposed
system solution is needed to "pass" the user acceptance test. These additional considerations will
help further identify system "requirements" or specifications in the course assignments during
the upcoming weeks.

Also, the student needs to provide a description of a problem that is supported by documented
information showing that the problem exists as well as considering the level-of-effort in terms of
costs, time, money, resources, or human work hours needed to solve a problem. The deliverable
also needs to include what the user would expect from a “good” system.

Week 3: Formal Proposal and Project Plan. By this time, the student should have a good
understanding of the problem and proposed solution. During the past few weeks, the student
should have: (1) reviewed and framed the problem statement, (2) investigated the anticipated
users of the proposed product or service with an identified need (3) performed background
research on market demand or needs and (4) anticipated resources and constraints to implement
the solution.

For this assignment, the student submits a formal proposal, including: the problem statement,
product or system description that solved the problem and an initial list of requirements/
specifications, The proposal should be submitted at least one day before meeting with the
instructor to discuss it.

Week 4: Acceptance Test Plan and Protocol. This test plan and protocol needs to demonstrate
that the product does what is required and must relate back to the system requirements and
specifications. The acceptance test plan and protocol must include the: test set-up, the inputs to
the system, and the correct response of the system. It should include any information about the
actual "workings" or implementation of the system and should not prejudice that actual design by

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