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Welcome / General Information


On behalf of the IVEC 2010 Program Committee and the Electron Devices Society (EDS) Technical Committee on Vacuum Electronics, I would like to welcome you to the 11th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2010).  IVEC was created in 2000 by merging the US Power Tube Conference and the European Space Agency TWTA Workshop, and has expanded to a fully international conference.  It is held every other year in the US, and in Europe and Asia, alternately, every fourth year. The conference focuses on vacuum electron devices and their applications.  This year’s meeting, sponsored by the IEEE EDS, will be at the Portola Hotel and Spa in the picturesque city of Monterey, California.

The Conference Committee has organized an interesting and rewarding program.  The conference will open Tuesday morning, May 18, with a Plenary Session consisting of excellent speakers providing insights into a broad spectrum of scientific issues and applications driving vacuum electronics research.  This will be followed by two and a half days of technical oral and poster presentations.  The IVEC Award for Excellence and the IVEC Student Paper Award will be presented at the conference banquet at the Portola Hotel and Spa on Wednesday evening.  As a special event this year, the banquet entertainment will feature talent from our own IVEC community.

This conference has been arranged to enhance the presentation and discussion of useful information to manufacturers, device users, academics, and students.  Traditionally, the conference attracts a diverse group of attendees.  During the meeting and social events, please take the time to reacquaint yourself with friends and colleagues, establish new relationships, and interact with the students.

The conference Web site (https://ivec2010.org) is a valuable source of information, and will continue to serve as a clearinghouse for news and other IVEC-related information after the conference.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IVEC Committee Members for their help and support, especially Will Menninger, our Technical Program Chair, and Ralph Nadell of Palisades Convention Management for doing an excellent job with the conference coordination.  I would also like to thank our corporate and government financial contributors for their support, as well as the presenters, and exhibitors for their participation.  Finally, I would like to thank several members of our community for sharing their musical talents at the conference banquet.  I am confident that IVEC 2010 will be a conference to remember.

Carol Kory
General Chair
IVEC 2010


Dr. Carol L. Kory
General Chair
Teraphysics Corporation
Cleveland, OH

Dr. William L. Menninger
Technical Program Chair
L-3 Communications ETI
Torrance, CA

Dr. Baruch Levush
IVEC Award-Chair
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC

Dr. Monica Blank
Publicity Co-Chair
Communications and Power Industries
Palo Alto, CA

Dr. R. Lawrence Ives
Publicity Co-Chair
Calabazas Creek Research
San Mateo, CA

Dr. John Booske
Student Awards Co-Chair
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI

Dr. Y.Y. Lau
Student Awards Co-Chair
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor MI

Dr. Dan M. Goebel
Web Publicity Co-Chair
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA

Dr. Yehuda Goren
Web Publicity Co-Chair
Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Rancho Cordova, CA

Dr. Richard True
Finance Co-Chair
L-3 Communications EDD
San Carlos, CA

Dr. Kenneth Kreischer
Finance Co-Chair
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Rolling Meadows, IL

Dr. David Whaley
Local Arrangements Chair
L-3 Communications EDD
San Carlos, CA

Dr. Dev Palmer
Plenary Session Co-Chair
Army Research Office
Durham, NC

Dr. James Dayton, Jr.
Plenary Session Co-Chair
Teraphysics Corporation
Cleveland, OH

Mr. Ralph Nadell
Meeting Arrangements
Palisades Convention Management
New York, NY


Baruch Levush (Chair)
   Naval Research Laboratory, USA

Marinella Aloisio
   European Space Agency, The Netherlands

John Booske
   University of Wisconsin, USA

Ernst Bosch
   THALES, Germany

Richard Carter
   University of Lancaster, England

George Caryotakis
   Consultant, Varian, USA

Shih-Hung Chen
   National Central University, Taiwan

Anatoly Galdetskiy
   ISTOK, Russia

Dan Goebel
   Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA

Jinjun Feng
   Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute, China

Takao Kageyama
   Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, Japan

Carol Kory
   Teraphysics, USA

Lalit Kumar
   Microwave Tube Research & Development Centre, India

Fu Jiang Liao
   Beijing Vacuum Electronics Research Institute, China

Konstantin Lukin
   Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, Ukraine

William Menninger
   L-3 Communications Electron Technologies, USA

Gunsik Park
   Seoul National University, South Korea

Claudio Paoloni
   University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy

Arman Staprans
   Communications & Power Industries, USA

Philippe Thouvenin
   THALES, France

Manfred Thumm
   Forschungszentrum Karlsruh, Germany

Richard True
   L-3 Communications Electron Devices Division, USA



Advance Registration is not required, but it is strongly encouraged for quick pick-up of registration materials and for your own convenience. The registration fee includes admission to all technical sessions, a single ticket to the Wednesday evening reception, banquet and entertainment, all refreshment breaks, and a copy of the Book of Abstracts. On-line registration is also available through this web site (https://ivec2010.org) OR complete the hard copy registration form, include your payment, and mail or fax to the address below. Checks should be made payable to IVEC in U.S. currency drawn on a U.S. bank. Only credit card payment may be faxed.

Palisades Convention Management
Attn: Ralph Nadell (IVEC 2010)
411 Lafayette Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10003
(212) 460-8090 x203
fax (212) 460-5460

The deadline for receipt of Advance Registration is April 30, 2010. Requests for refunds must be made in writing and received no later than April 30, 2010. Confirmations will be mailed. However, confirmation of registration can also be made by calling (800) 350-0111 or (212) 460-9700.

                           Before April 30        After April 30
IEEE Member          $525                     $550
Non-Member           $600                     $625
Retired/                  $250                     $250

IEEE Life Member
Full-Time Student    $75                       $75

Registration will take place in the DeAnza Foyer of the Portola Plaza Hotel during the hours listed below.

Registration Hours
Monday, May 17       4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tuesday, May 18      7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, May 19  7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday, May 20     7:30 am – 12:00 pm

Hotel Accommodations
The Portola Plaza Hotel is holding a block of rooms for IVEC attendees at the corporate rate of $190 single/double plus prevailing tax, currently 10.065%.

Room reservations at the Portola Plaza Hotel may be made by calling the Reservations Department at (831) 649-4511 and identifying yourself as an attendee at the International Vacuum Electronics Conference. Or, hotel reservations may be made directly through the hotel page on this web site (http//ivec2010.org)

Airport/Hotel Transportation
The Monterey Peninsula Airport is served by major and regional carriers and offers more than 50 flights a day. There are connecting and direct flights to all major West Coast cities. The Peninsula is also convenient to all three San Francisco Bay airports. San Jose airport is just 1 hour away and both San Francisco and Oakland airports are less than 2 hours by car. Los Angeles is 5 hours away by car.

Moderate year-round temperatures and a typically dry California climate are two of Monterey’s most attractive features. Daytime temperatures rarely exceed the 70s, and sweaters or light jackets are sufficient most evenings. The average temperature is 66°C.

Surrounding Attractions
Monterey, California, is also home to historic Fisherman’s Wharf on Cannery Row, the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium, and Pebble Beach. Monterey is a seaside community providing a variety of recreational activities including shopping, golf, local wineries, art galleries and museums.

Reception and Banquet
All conference attendees are invited to attend the Conference reception and banquet to be held on Wednesday evening, May 19th. The reception will start in the De Anza foyer at 7:00 PM, dinner will be served in the De Anza Ballroom at 8:00 PM. The evening will conclude with the presentation of the IVEC Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics and a program of entertainment provided by the many talented members of the IVEC Community.


IVEC 2010 Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics

The IVEC Award for Excellence in Vacuum Electronics was established in 2002 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field. Anyone or any group of persons working in the field of vacuum electronics is eligible for this award, which will be presented each year during the IVEC conference. Anyone in the field may place a colleague in nomination. Selection of the winner will be made by a vote of the members of the Technical Committee. Members of the Technical Committee who are nominees may not vote. Only living persons are eligible for the award. The winner will receive a commemorative plaque and an award of $2000. If a group nomination is selected for the award they will each receive a plaque and share the $2000.



Messages for attendees will be posted in the Message Center, located adjacent to the IVEC registration desk. For incoming messages, please call the Portola Plaza Hotel at (831) 649-4511 and ask to be transferred to the IVEC registration desk.


Conference Contact

Anyone requiring additional information should contact the Conference Coordinator, Ralph Nadell, c/o Palisades Convention Management, 411 Lafayette Street, Suite 201, New York, NY 10003, (212) 460-8090 ext. 203, or Rnadell@pcm411.com. For registration verification, call (800) 350-0111 or (212) 460-9700.


Web site

For additional information on Monterey and IVEC, individuals are encouraged to visit our Web site at https://ivec2010.org