Welcome to ARSO 2022!
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO) will take place in Long Beach, California (USA) from May 28th to 30th, 2022 in hybrid (in presence and online) format.
ARSO is a single-track conference to discuss advanced robotics R&D and its implications to economic and social systems. Participants will be world-class robotic research scientists, investors, and economists, as well as representatives of industry and government. ARSO’s topics range from traditional Robotics technologies, innovation, socio-economic aspects, but also psychological and philosophical aspects of Human-Robot Interaction. ARSO 2022, will be held in conjunction with ICRA 2022 which will be the 23-27 May 2022 in Philadelphia (USA).
ARSO started in Nagoya in the year 2005 and traveled through Beijing (2006), Hsinchu (2007), Taipei (2008), Tokyo (2009), Seoul (2010), Half Moon Bay, CA (2011), Munich (2012), Tokyo (2013), Evanston (2014), Lyon(2015), Shanghai (2016), Austin (2017), Genoa (2018), Beijing (2019), and Aichi (2021, online).

Registration site open!
US Travel COVID-19 Guidelines
Please use the following two links to stay up to date on US travel COVID-19 requirements.
Plenary Speakers
Yoshihiko Nakamura, University of Tokyo
Maja J Matarić, USC
Raja Chatila, Pierre and Marie Curie University
Keynote Speakers
Johanna Seibt, Aarhaus University
Ali Agha, JPL/NASA
Arash Ajoudani, Italian Institute of Technology
Ashutosh Saxena, Caspar AI
Karinne Ramirez-Amaro, Chalmers University of Technology
Mario Munich, Embodied
Aleksandra Faust, Google Brain Research
Alexis Block, UCLA
Kate Tsui, Toyota Research Institute
Organizing Committee
Founding Chair
Toshio Fukuda, Meijo University, Japan
Honorary Chairs
Oussama Khatib, Stanford University, USA
Kazuhito Yokoi, AIST, Japan
Advisory Board
Kazuhito Yokoi, AIST, Japan
Nobuto Matsuhira, Shibaura Inst. Of Tech, Japan
Katsu Yamane, Bosch, USA
Luis Sentis, Univ. of Texas, USA
Lorenzo Natale, IIT, Italy
Tatuo Arai, Beijing Inst of Tech, China
Hiromi Mochiyama, Tsukuba Univ., Japan
General Chair
Emel Demircan, California State University Long Beach, USA
Program Co-Chairs
Taizo Yoshikawa, Honda R&D, Japan
Philippe Fraisse, Univ. of Montpellier, France
Tadej Petric, Joseph Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Sascha Wischniewski, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany
Finance Chair
Paolo Fiorini, Univ. of Verona, Italy
Publication Chair
Martina Hasenjäger, Honda Research Institute Europe, Germany
Publicity Chair
Malika Meghjani, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Local Arrangements Chair
Jalal Torabzadeh, CSULB, USA
Joseph Rodriguez-Galovin
Elliot Recinos
Call for Papers
We invite submissions for full papers and abstracts, detailed instructions, latex and word templates, topics and special sessions are provided in the official call. Submissions are managed through paperplaza.
Important Deadlines
- Mar 10, 2022 Deadline for Initial Paper Submission
- Mar 30, 2022 Notification of Acceptance
- Apr 15, 2022 Deadline for Final Paper Submission
- Apr 15, 2022 Registration site is open
We welcome contributions that fall in the following special sessions:
- Legal and ethical regulations for AI and robotic systems
- HRI and social robotics
- Robot business, marketing & economic impact
- The role of AI in the implementation of cognitive robots
- Safety issues of human-robot interactions in physical & psychological aspects
- Industrial robotics
- Bio-inspired robotics
- Intelligent robots for rehabilitation
- COVID and Robotics
or that describe applications of AI to robotics including, but not limited to:
- Manufacturing
- Service and assistance
- Healthcare and medical applications
- Transportation
- Search and rescue
- Entertainment
- Education
Conference Venue